Feb 02, 2009 23:15
Happy Amber is going to Nepal in 2 days, but I miss her so much now... and will be sad we will most likely not have contact for a while.
My phone bill was ridiculous this last statement from my time in Heathrow, so calling Chris less this month. =P =** (
My cousins dog Molly died (I think this morning) and I feel sad for them.
I still cant find work.
I am sitting on my edge of the seat waiting for Border Control to contact me.
My friend Bala Krishna tried to talk to me online the other night but I do not think he realizes I cant get online at 1 am... cause I am asleep.... even though its noon his time. But nice to know I still have contact to a orphan I connected with as an Akka (big sister) even though its been a while since I visited with India.
My mum is getting her foster kid very very soon. That's exciting. And I may get some sort of certificate that will allow me to help care for foster kids (babysit) that have autism and such.
I will be moving into my aunts and uncles soon. I used to live with uhm when i was younger. They are good people.. and happy to be around them more.
I think I am going to cut my own hair tomorrow.
I will miss living with my cat, when I am (was) at mum's.
I never knew my dad met William Shatner. That's pretty cool.
There was a memory I had since I was a kid, and though its somewhat askew and incorrect, at the same time I think I told the future when I was a child... but didn't know it till now.
My heart is in longing. I think I am in some cruel Japanese ninja movie, like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and my lover and I can never be together til one of us dies... The real tragedy in this tragedy is I lost my flying skillz.