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OOC merchantboom July 1 2008, 21:12:28 UTC
Sure, online or in comments?


OOC objectedly July 1 2008, 21:14:44 UTC
[ooc; I think we can discuss it here, since I don't have much time to actually play it out. Could you give me the info he'd give Edgeworth when he asks? And could you also update me on his current situation? ]


OOC merchantboom July 1 2008, 21:24:34 UTC
Blitza is currently being held by the police who are, apparently, asking the public what THEY think should happen to him.

He's been given medical attention to heal the beating that they gave him AFTER he confessed (he will stress this fact).

Other than that, anything that is in the police report you can consider him having told Edgeworth (unless the police say otherwise)


OOC objectedly July 1 2008, 21:31:34 UTC
[ What Edgey will conclude is that the only thing Blitza actually did wrong here, was his own job. xD He's not at all happy with what was told to him-- though he knows that the man isn't one to actually mean harm, his greed is just... troublesome. ;D

Also was the police report put up? I must have missed it. Damn college. ]


Re: OOC merchantboom July 1 2008, 21:35:11 UTC
It's in Sideralis's account, but it's private to police, so there are details there...I'll get you a link.



OOC objectedly July 1 2008, 21:38:40 UTC
[ Thanks, I'll give it a read! ]


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