→ 14

Apr 30, 2008 08:54

[ Private | Blitza ]

I'll be accepting your offer, then. I do have a few conditions I would like to clarify, other than that, you have my assistance. I look forward to working with you.

[ /Private ]

Zombies, foolhardiness. It never quite ends, does it? I'm not even sure where to begin on this current curse, other than the fact that its effects are hardly comprehensive. And if it is to motivate us to confess what we would rather not speak of, then is it not understandable that there are certain things that keep a statement true by merely omitting the rest?

Of course, it is a matter of possibly asking the right questions that could get people into trouble, unless they are prone to tattling.

Sounds like an episode of the Steel Samurai, "Truth Locked in Steel"---- Gah.

Now would be a good time to get the paperwork for The Private Investigation Agency completed... this place certainly could use a legitimate alternate to the Police Force.

Mr. Gavin, we'll be looking at the offices today. Do be ready. This particular one does look like Wright's...

Hmph... why am I even thinking of him. What a waste. Now where did I leave my rose tea...

[ooc; Most of the small text are his honest words, and he only realized the Steel Samurai bit was something he didn't want out. Also, why haven't you all added Dollie yet? Go do it. Edgey's going to have high blood pressure when he finds out she's here :D Also yes, Edgeworth and Klavier will be starting a P.I business. YOU CRIMINALS WILL FACE THE HAND OF TRUTH!!!11!! *shot*]

steel samurai!, dahlia, job, cursed, truth, klavier, commentlog and journal, phoenix

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