Because being a Landlord won't be enough headache...

Feb 26, 2012 12:35

I think I'm going to convert the house to a sort of single, as opposed to a double.

Move the laundry room to the downstairs kitchen, because there's already a gas line, and a drier vent hole in the wall. There's also a laundry drain down there going to the laundry sink in the basement, and two floor holes where I'd taken out the galvanized pipes that were laundry hookups.

That will free up the third upstairs bedroom, and eliminate the need for a second kitchen.

Flooring first!
Today I'm going to go get primer from the hardware store and prime the plywood underlayment in the downstairs. Then, once that is dry, I can lay down the flooring tile I bought at Lowe's and call it a day.

Now that the upstairs bath is remodeled, the leak has stopped. Which means I can gut more of the problem bedroom and replace the drywall in it. Thus giving me seven bedrooms total, including the attic.

Speaking of the attic: I rented out the bedroom in the attic. So now I have two roommates, who also happen to be friends with one another. Ran the idea of a community house by them, and they are all for it.

So that's the new plan. Create something similar to MegaHertz, in that it will be rented out room by room, and everyone will have access to the kitchen upstairs, the laundry down, and both bathrooms.

It won't be a co-op, because obviously I retain ownership, but it will be a community house.

Somehow, MegaHertz taught me nothing.
Dry erase board pending.
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