because I am crazy.

Jan 05, 2012 18:31

I'm getting a puppy on Saturday.

Yup yup.
He was born on 11-11-11, and he will be ready to go tomorrow.
Papers, vetted, parents on site, the whole nine.

He's a tri-color Pembroke Welsh Corgi, because corgi's are both more common, cheaper, and smaller than Vallhunds. Thus making them easier to find.

And really, I don't have a particularly good reason for not getting a puppy right now. I cashed in my bonds, meaning I have a decent amount in the bank. Enough to do the puppy thing right now, enough to take care of financial woes, and enough to float some to the downstairs apartment.

I think I will name him Paisley.
We basically have the same birthday, mine being 11-12.

And he is damn cute.

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