a couple things:
The medium is the message. ever heard that one? when? is the medium ever really the message? I tried to think about this, but I couldn't conceive of any situation where this is true. someone explain, please.
i had a secondly, but i forgot it. oh no, here goes:
if i start a charity, it's going to be called the Building Foundation, or maybe the Concrete Foundation. if the charity turns out to be a funnel for money to a terrorist organization like greenpeace the it'll be the Shaky Foundation. if no one donates money it'll be the Weak Foundation. if its mission is to re-discover Atlantis it will be the Lost Foundation.
this is a random one from my trip to costa rica two years ago. i uploaded a bunch of pictures from that trip but i was too lazy to post them, so maybe they'll trickle out like this.