Title: Worth Saving
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Obi-Wan, Padme
Prompt: Life
Word Count: 513
Rating: PG
Summary: Pretend that Obi-Wan and Anakin's missions in AOTC were reversed. Keep the fact that Anakin has a Thing for Padme, and Obi is uber-Jedi.
Author's Notes: I swear this is the only thing I could think of for this prompt, given the fact that I had the added, self-given stipulation of setting it during AOTC. This occurs days before the original scene actually happens in the movie. It's safe to assume that it's early enough for Obi to do what Anakin couldn't...
Comes after
The Family of a Senator and
Prepare To Retreat.
The Lake Country was teeming with life, despite the isolation. Obi-Wan could feel it, in the early morning dawn. He stood, barefoot and motionless, on the veranda; his hands clasped behind his back, eyes closed, he took in everything through the Force. He and Padme had been here for only two days, but he had taken to standing here as the sun rose over the mountain peaks quite quickly. He wasn't sure why he was compelled to do so, just that it felt right. With a silent sigh, he sank deeper into the Force.
The tan under-tunic of his uniform rustled gently in the breeze. The hemline of his trousers tickled his ankles. He noticed nothing, except the life within the verdant hills and the crystalline water. He was one with the countryside, he was one with the servants inside the estate; he was even one with Padme, who was still sleeping.
It was serenity incarnate, this place, and he had to commend Padme for choosing it. The Lake Country of Naboo offered a welcomed respite from the happenings of the galaxy, but Obi-Wan, connected to the Force, could not escape it completely. He let the life-force of the entire planet permeate him, draw him into the current of energy that ebbed and flowed around it. Once he was there, once he was intimately connected with Naboo and her people, he let a part of him take one of the currents that left the planet and threaded it together with the rest of the Force.
He let this part of him wander as the currents willed it, touching everything he came into contact with and weaving it within the tapestry he was creating. He allowed the edges of conflict to enter, as conflict was as much a part of life as peace. The brush-strokes of grief added a unique texture to the artwork, as he picked up something that touched him in a familiar yet, at the same time, utterly alien way. Nothing in his outward appearance belied his curiosity at this interesting little detail. He made the effort to devote another measure of his being to the investigation of this anomaly, always careful not to push, as pushing always tended to lose threads, rather than coerce them into growing.
And just as he finally figured out what that presence meant, he sensed Padme behind him, awake and clearly alert. Slowly, he let the meditation fall away, until all that was remaining was the Jedi and the Senator.
"We need to leave, don't we? For Anakin's sake?" Padme whispered, not wanting to break the silence more than need be.
"Yes, I think we do," he replied, struck by her intuition. Perhaps there was more to the young Senator than a vibrancy of life.
"I'll get the ship ready."
Obi-Wan nodded. "Pre-set our coordinates for Tatooine. We lift off as soon as I've packed us up."
Obi-wan knew, in that instant, that though he raced to the aid of Shmi Skywalker, the life he was truly saving was Anakin's.
For better or for worse...