End of an Era

Jan 10, 2010 19:58

So its 2010... HAPPY NEW YEAR!
The last 10 years have been both amazingly great and brain shattering bad. The years of my higher education. I started high school, finished high school, started and finished uni. People and Pets have died, but on the other hand, I have made a whole heap of new friends. I travelled parts of the world I once only dreamed of... can't wait to see what the next 10 years brings.

On another note, saw David Tennant's last episode of Dr Who... Wow
Not sure about the episodes themselves, but I was soooo sad to see DT go. That really is an end of an era! More behind the cut (Spoilers ahead)

There were a few questions that remain un-answered for me. I've been having 'discussions' with one of my friends regarding a few plot holes in the story. The main one being "who was that woman?" While it was never really answered, I maintain that it was probably his wife. My proof of that being that when they locked eyes (YES Callum, they DID notice and recognise each other!) the music playing was the same that plays when Rose is around (and we all know how they feel about each other) the other indication was that when Wilf asked who she is, the Doctor looks over his shoulder at Donna in her Wedding dress. So there ya go

Psychopathic Timelords... not really sure on that. I get the feeling that RTD wanted to make the Timelords return before he left but then ran out of time and didn't really think it through.

Loved the Master in the end. John Simm is a champ

Tear Jerking moments: "That's who you are Wilfred!" - I was crying when his voice broke like that. Pretty much everything after that as well...

Didn't like Matt Smith at all. However I then went and watched Christopher Eccleston's regeneration and remembered that I didnt like David at all either. Took about 30 mins before I was in love with him. On top of that, the previews for this year look good, so I will wait in anticipation for him to start. I wish him good luck

As much as it pained me to see him go, it was probably a good time. He was getting really angsty with every new thing he did, and while I love good angst you could see the suffering. Hopefully the doctor can find some peace and move onto a new chapter of his life

In Celebration of David's Doctor, here are my top 5 Episodes of his:
1. Human Nature/Family of Blood (Season 3)
2. Midnight (Season 4)
3. Smith and Jones (Season 3)
4. 42 (Season 3)
5. Planet of the Dead (2009 Special)

On the Vid front, It has become my New Years Resolution to finish all the Music videos I have started over the last 2 years (there's a lot of them) So there ya go.
And thanks to paraka I can now actually show people, so stay tuned for those who are interested.

doctor who, life

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