Our "Not quite so big" Adventure

Jan 09, 2007 21:07

I finally achieved one of my life time goals last night. I, along with my friend Erin walked to the Lighthou... ah I mean the "Marino Rocks Navigational Aid".
Normally the plan was to meet at my house and walk across the paddock. Avoiding the sheep and any angry farmers that wanted to kill us, but we decided that we really couldn't be screwed walking that far, so instead we drove to the closest point we knew of and then headed up there.

Wow what a journey it was. Our first hurdle appeared within the first couple of minutes - A big gate with a "Don't Enter Please" sign - pft that sounded very threatening, however there were houses nearby with people looking at us. After going all that way, I was just like "Screw it" and we both climbed over anyway... and then ran! LoL!
After that we had quite a bit of open grassland to walk through, with a lot of ouchie plants and nasty hard grassy straw stuff, which snapped at you. We were trying to hide from the overpassing plane and trying not to fall on rocks and kill ourselves yet we soldiered on, coming across a massive barbed wire fence. After standing and looking at it for a good 5 minutes we both made a decision that we weren't gonna be able to climb over it, so we opted to try find a gate, which we eventually found. After climbing that (which still had barbed wire over it) we realised we had gone and entered another paddock rather than exit the one we just came from, so we had to climb it AGAIN and then climb over the right one. FINALLY the lighthouse *coughs* "Navigational Aid" was in sight and just as we got close, we heard voices and I got really scared. Deciding to play dumb we went the other way and walked up to it. It was the greatest thing ever! 20 years of living in sight of the pesty thing and we FINALLY did it! I was on top of the moon and then I noticed the sign... There was a FRICKEN WALKING TRACK THERE! A WALKING TRACK!!! A nice cut out dirt road with little walking track signs and the voices? A family walking their dog! Their Fricking DOG! Ohhhh SO pissed off! After tracking for half an hour through painful scrub land and scaling several barb wired fences and there was a bloody track!

But still we did it and we both celebrated and Erin took photo's. The sun was starting to set, so it was really pretty looking out at the coast, it was getting pretty cold though. So after walking around it, we made our way back to the car (which was unfortunately in the opposite direction to the walking track so we had to go back the way we came) bitching about how the "Hallett Cove Light house wasn't a lighthouse at all, and wasn't even in Hallett Cove! Our old Primary School has some serious explaining to do!. Pft The Hallett Cove East Lighthouse Keepers SHOULD in fact be called the "Hallett Cove East Navigational Aid Keepers"... or should that be the "Hallett Cove East Marino Rocks Navigational Aid Keepers"...? Anyways it doesn't matter.

And that is my story. Kudos to us both dude! WE RULE!

To read my fellow explorers recount (which is much funnier and accompanied by pics - Im the blonde haired one) you can go check it out at her LJ http://miseria-cantere.livejournal.com/69069.html

Oh and on another note, my poor puppy (not even 2 yet) got hit by a car last night too :(
I saw the whole thing and it scared the shit out of me. He escaped out the front and ran out right in front of it. Luckily it wasn't very bad at all. The car only really glanced him. In the end he lost a toenail and hurt his back foot a little bit. Stupid big eared animal! It scared the hell out of him though, he made a big racket before he realised he wasn't missing any limbs and he was in fact still alive, then he settled down and was fine by the time he got to the vet. Now he's just sulking around feeling sorry for himself. Poor Speedle :(

adventures, life

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