
Jan 06, 2007 21:00

I've had an epiphany today... At least I think I have... I wonder what that word even means...
I hope it means what I think it means otherwise I'll just sound like a dick head if i don't already... I should know, there was an SGA episode called 'Epiphany'...
Anyway enough stalling...

Oooooh talking about stalling. I went to the Zoo today with my friend Anna, and my semi-half friend kinda person Camila... yeah its kinda weird...
*Coughs* I went to the zoo today with my two friends to see the humans. LoL. How totally weird does that sound. Basically for those who don't know. The Adelaide Zoo, has set up one of the old monkey enclosures and put 6 people in there. It was really funny. We went there just to see them. They were all talking to us, and we made them do cartwheels and handstands. Weird thing is, we didn't really see any animals at all, just fellow humans, which just sounds stupid cause you can see humans anywhere but it was really cool. They were trying to get us to vote for them, then they were spraying us with water.
Oooooh and my new favorite animal is the otter. I want one! They were so cute, even when they were crunching away at their fish (particularly disturbing when eating the head)

Oh and I'm very happy with myself at the moment because I succeeded in making people cry with my latest vid. Hahaha sounds like I'm a sadist I know, but I'm so proud of myself! :P Ahhh quick! someone find something sharp to deflate this head of mine, lol "does super ego count as a power?"
Nah, I'm not really that bad, I'm just really happy with it. Particularly cause all the new stuff I tried (particularly voice clips) seemed to work out really well, so I'm just over the moon.

Oh ok so enough stalling, back to the epiphany... or whatever it is. I have finally figured out what I want to do with my life this year. 2007 will be a year of change for me. A year of doing something memorable with my life. I'm not really going anywhere at the moment and I just feel lost. I have decided to try to do just 1 subject at Uni this year (which some of you already know) I'm gonna get some more work and save up, cause I'm gonna head off to the UK for a month! Yes I am! By myself probably too! ...well if all goes to plan that is, I'm kind of relying on a few people. I have a friend who went over there several moths ago who has settled down in Edinburgh, so I'm hoping he'll still be there when I head up there (hopefully in early June) I figure I'll stay with him for a while then maybe head to the Lake District in England and stay with some relatives (who I have never met before) I really want to do some traveling around too. I wanna see London for instance. I really don't know what I'm gonna do though, cause I know absolutely no one up there (except for Aaron of course), and I'm hell scared about that. I am however hoping that maybe by chance a convention may pop up while I'm around and i could head to that, meet up with fellow crazed fans. Don't know how lucky I'll be with that though. Of course this is all just on paper at the moment, so plans might change, but I'm gonna do it. Hell I NEED to do it. I need to do something, need to accomplish something. Build confidence, a bigger network of friends, actually achieve one of my goals in life. To Hell with my nerves, I'm gonna do it!
...Don't try to stop me... I'm gonna do it... I really will... at least I think I will... Oh Hell


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