Jan 25, 2006 00:32
A lot has happened. I miss my family a lot. I'm actually home right now, and they are too (my parents, not my sister), but I still miss them. It's weird. I realize the things that are most important to me right now are my family and close friends, neither of which I've been paying much attention to in the past, oh, I don't know, 5 months. You know, I have been in love a lot, like deep crazy and not-quite-healthy love, and I always see myself being a really good wife and mother and life-long partner, but I don't know if that actually will happen. Well, the mother thing I still see as possible. I am only 20. That is young. I feel so young. I need a lot of guidance adn support right now, but it's 1 AM and I'm too tired anyway to talk on the phone. I feel oddly on the verge of depression. I have been in such transitions lately--I don't like that. I am thinking more and more that I will go back to camp. But at Rowe you are inserted into this environment and role, which is something I'm trying to avoid right now--being inserted into roles and kind of forced to change. I don't know. I'm not debating about camp right now so much as I'm just debating about other decisions. Camp I think I do want to do. I know I need sleep and I hope I can wake up and be productive. There are more things to say, but they don't have to be said here.