(no subject)

Aug 07, 2009 15:12

I baked rolls yesterday! Woohoo! No really, they were delicious. I need to go get one now.

Also I'm getting somewhere with my master's thesis. Finally! I've been working on it since fall of 2007, and now I'm determined to turn it in in October. So far I've written a bit un-systematically, but from now on I need to get things rolling in a more organized manner. I should get at least another 20 pages in, and also reread what I have written so far. I'm hopeful, though. I'm not a bad writer, I just get stuck in stupid expressions and overuse them and then suddenly my text looks really unprofessional. Luckily I have people who will look it over before I turn it in.

I've been sporty this week! I've been jogging twice and swimming once and also paid some attention to what I eat. Hence the roll-baking - healthy ones, bien sûr! I realized I had gotten fat and need to work out that extra weight in order to be healthy and also fit in my clothes comfortably. Bleh.

One of my dear friends travels today to talk face to face with her long term not-quite-boyfriend and I think they're finally ready to take the step and officially start a romantic relationship. This one will last, too. I'm pretty sure they will get married and be happy until the end of time, and I'm happy for them, and a bit sad for myself. Why can't I just be in the same train with all my friends? Why is it that if I know like 100 people with the same dreams: relationship, marriage, babies, family, normal life etc. - everyone else has their dream come true but I don't? Why is it too much to ask when it's coming from me?
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