OMG I WROTE A POEM. I know, I know, but we were watching poetry readings on youtube in Afro-Am Lit and I was inspired. In fact, I spent most of Intro to International Relations writing this--we weren't talking about anything important anyway. I hope.
Anywho, this is slam poetry--I guess--and it's my take on certain aspects of college. Don't get me wrong, I like college, but I feel this way sometimes. I don't know. *shrugs*
Higher Education
Anyone can go, land of opportunity
Anyone can go, but it ain't free
Up to my ears in loans
Anyone can go
On my own
Scrambling, stumbling
Parental guidance 200 miles away
Affection from a phone
Have to learn to let go
Have to stand on my own
New faces, new people, new ideas
New perspectives, better perspectives
Everything you once believed is wrong
Don't listen to your parents
Make your own choices
Listen to ME
Because I am white I am wrong
Because I am a woman I've been wronged
I keep other races beneath my heel and at a distance
I bend over backwards to make men happy
I should be ashamed of my race's past
Take the blame for actions that appall me
Blame every man for every time I didn't get what I wanted
Blame men for all the times I was ever disappointed
"Deliver us," they cry
Deliver who?
Me? You?
The peak of self-expression
Found in back corners of coffee houses
Tangled in the sheets with a stranger
Frothing in a red plastic cup
The world is going to Hell
America is in shreds
But don't worry, we have beer
Listening to lectures,
The sweet sound of enlightenment
Quivering between my thigh
You haven't lived til you've slaked your lust
Virginity, morality is square
Silly girl, don't you know?
Sex is the only way your whole
You know nothing without Carnal Knowledge
A man who sleeps around is a pig
A douche, motherfucker, chauvinistic man-whore
A woman who samples men at her leisure
Knows the sweet taste of freedom
Sexual freedom is the essence of Woman
Double standards everywhere
Don't objectify me, please hold the door
Don't objectify me
A man is only as good as his penis
The alcohol burns, but that's just freedom
Fridges full of juice
Apple, cranberry, orange
The yin to the yang of the contents of the freezer
Captain Morgan, Bacardi, Aristocrat
Don't remember what happened last night
Holes in the memory mean good times
Wind down on Friday
Apologize on Saturday
Regret and homework on Sunday
Lather, rinse, repeat
You can't love Jesus and be enlightened
An educated person does not believe in God
Can't vote conservative and love liberty
The Right cannot believe in equality
Red cannot befriend the Rainbow
You can be whoever you want
Express yourself in anyway
Parade your fetishes, air out your dirty laundry
Let your hair hang down, let the skeletons free
Just so long as you're Left
Don't wanna see a hint of Right
Conservative? That shit ain't allowed
Believe in the freedom to do as you please
Equality for all!
So long as it doesn't get in your way
When does pro-choice and equality
Roll off the same tongue without
That Venom dripping off of every word?
Hypocrisy bleeds from every mouth
Don't make choices for me
Don't fucking touch my body
Human life only matters when it's convenient
But don't touch that dog
Silence of the lambs
Silence of the babes
Cry out every problem with America
Ignore who gave you the freedom to do so
Cry out that you can't wait to leave
Conveniently forget that Man is Man
No matter the language
And that where there is power
There is greed
Original Sin is not exclusively American
Point out the flaws in the system
Your parents, society, the government
Youth, virility is all the wisdom one needs
Suddenly being in a university
Makes you the smartest motherfucker
On this goddamned planet
Angry, misguided smartasses
Fighting for causes we don't truly understand
Finding ourselves in bedrooms and empty bottles
We are the Future
The Dirge of a Nation
Note: I am not against feminism, I am against those feminists who have MAJOR double standards. I may be pro-choice, but I am not against affordable birth control--so I'm not anti-Planned Parenthood. I am not against liberals, just liberals who want to paint me in a certain way. This poem is about the hypocrisy of the College Student.