Jan 08, 2006 15:17
Mead Competition Announcements
This is the first mead only competition of 2006. In 2005, Meadllennium VIII was the largest home made mead only competition in the United States. This event is sponsored by the Central Florida Home Brewers, the same club that hosts the Sunshine Challenge.
Entry procedures have been streamlined to make entering the competition as easy as possible. Awards include stylish mead medallions for all first, second, and third place winners. All First Place and BOS winners will receive a lovely etched Meadllennium 2006 Goblet. Club with the most points will receive a special award (the host club, the CFHB is excluded from this award).
This competition is registered and sanctioned through the BJCP
Competition Date:
Saturday, January 28, 2006 @ 10:30 am
Preston & Teresa Estate
1927 Coble Drive
Deltona, Fl 32738
Entry Due Date:
Open January 1, 2006 and Closes Friday, January 20, 2006
Entry Fee:
$6.00 each (Walk in entries accepted if pre-registered)
3 bottles 6 oz. or greater.
New 2004 BJCP Style Guidelines, Categories 24, 25 and 26. Up to nine categories will be awarded (categories may be collapsed depending on number of entries) as listed below:
1. Traditional (includes varital) Mead Dry 6. Other Fruit Melomel
2. Traditional Mead Semi-Sweet 7. Metheglin (spice and herb)
3. Traditional Mead Sweet 8. Braggot
4. Cyser (Apple Melomel) 9. Other Category Mead
5. Pyment (Grape Melomel) Cat. 9 includes experimental
Mail Entries To:
Meadllennium 2006
c/o Ron Bach
1190 Trotwood Blvd
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Drop-off Location:
Heart's Homebrew & Wine Making Supply
6190 Edgewater Drive
Orlando, FL 32810
Awards Ceremony:
Sunday, February 5, 2006 at the Central Florida Home Brewers monthly meeting beginning at 4:15pm. All prizes not presented at the ceremony will be mailed to winners.
For Additional Information Contact:
Ron Bach (Competition Organizer)
Phone: 407-696-2738
Competition Organizer Email: bachian@juno.com
Steve DelaSala (Head Judge) 407-416-6733 steve@higginshouse.com
Howard Currans (Registrar) 407-365-3215 ocurrans@cfl.rr.com
Meadllenium Team Email: mead@cfhb.org
Entry Form:
Printable Entry Form and Bottle Labels. Mead2006EntryForm.pdf