The Toronto Pagan Conference is gearing up for year 4 with much
enthusiasm. Be sure to mark your calenders and remember register
early to get in on some great savings!! For more details see below!
The 2008 theme is:
Walk the Talk: A Journey of Responsibility
with Featured Speaker: Hugo Bonjean
The Valhalla Inn,
1 Valhalla Inn Road, Toronto, Ontario
February 29th to March 2nd 2008
What's the 2008 conference all about?:
As Pagans most of us strive to live as much in harmony with Mother
Earth and our environment as possible. But are we doing enough? The
2008 conference will focus on what we, as Pagans, are doing to "leave
our world a better place" and to make sure that we are making a
sustainable tomorrow for our children and our children's children.
Toronto Pagan Conference (TPC) is an event that celebrates spiritual
diversity. TPC helps to develop networks among different Pagan groups
and individuals on their spiritual paths & to help those who are
still seeking out their path. The conference continues its community
building efforts with giving pagans, and the nonpagan public, an
event that will strive to better the environmental, personal,
community & spiritual values in our lives.
Our Featured Speaker for the 2008 event, Hugo Bonjean will help us to
understand what we can do to become ecologically and environmentally
aware along our journey as we travel our individual spiritual paths.
Hugo Bonjean is the Author of "In the Eyes of Anahita an adventure in
search of Humanity". To learn more about Hugo Bonjean, visit his
website at
For more information please contact:
We are finalizing our speakers over the next few days and will have
the schedule up on the website by the end of this month. Be sure to
check back often as updates will be happening quite a bit over the
next number of weeks! It's going to be an amazing event this year,
you won't want to miss it!
PreRegistration is NOW OPEN!!
Pay prior to February 15th: $100.00
(Prices at the door; $120 for weekend, $40 per day)
Register early for the popular Gourmet Buffet Dinner on the Saturday
night!(Limited seating - spots fill up fast!)Only $45.00!!
Pay by Cheque, Money Order or PAYPAL through our website.
If you are at the Toronto Building Bridges Pub Moots in January and
February you can pay Michael MacKid as well! You might even be able
to get a discount! Amy Taylor will be at the February London Pagan
Pub moot so ask her to register too!
The event has so much to offer
~ Informative Workshops & Lectures
~ Tea Ceremony and Rituals
~ Friday Night Meet & Greet
~ Saturday Night Entertainment
~ Amazing Pagan Merchants
~ Networking Tables & More!
For more information please contact:
Feel free to share this with anyone you think would be interested!