For the past few months, I've felt this desire to do something or participate in something that was bigger than me. I've done some research on local volunteer options and while I may still go forward with one of those, it still didn't seem to fit what I was looking for.
And then one day I saw a commercial for
this and I *knew* that this was something I had to participate in. I requested an information packet. I followed it up with a local "Get Started" meeting and I signed up for the Philadelphia 3-Day (October 17-19th) right after that without hesitation.
I need your help. First and foremost, I'm fund raising. When I chose to take on this challenge, I agreed to raise at least $2,200 in donations. Donations can be done either online (link posted below), over the phone (call 1-800-996-3329), or you can print out a donation form from my personal page (link below) and mail that in with a check.
Yes it's a lot of money but it's for a good cause. More than 200,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and nearly 40,000 will die from the disease. My mom and my aunt, not to mention a few good friends, had to have breast biopsies done this past year. All of their tests were negative but I do think of what might have been.
I want to do my part. I don't want to lose anyone to this disease. I want my cousins, my goddaughter and my friends daughters to read about breast cancer in history books.
The net proceeds from the event will support breast cancer research, education, screening and treatment through Susan G. Komen for the Cure
(85%) and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund (15%).
Second, I'm going to need *lots* of cheerleading. If you see me, ask me how the training (no bus for me at Pennsic) or the fundraising is going. I'll be posting about all of this in the upcoming months. This is a big undertaking for me and I'll needs lots of encouragement 'cause both the mileage and the fundage is daunting at times.
I'm looking forward to the journey though and I think, when it's all said and done, I'll be a better person for it.
Feel free to pimp me out and link to this post.