Nov 23, 2005 22:20
boo i am bored and i do not even feel like conversing with anyone right now
today was fun??? lol
ive realized though
i just get over things fast
when i am upset about something i am REALLY upset about it and then in two days im over it ? or 2 hours or even 2 minutes
same with good things
i get soooo excited and then
im over it
and especially about boys
i guess i really am starting to get over zach
he is a totally different person now its crazy
and not exactly in a good way
i dont know if it is because we broke up or he would have ended up like this anyways
i just wish he would care about things and take things seriously
like school maybe
the bitter feelings are slwoly starting to fade away
and i mean i was really bitter and i still am when i think about it
about everything that was said or done to me and about me
i am just tired of putting so much energy into it
its funyn because a week ago i was crying myself to sleep because i missed him
him? or having a him? i dont know i actually think it was HIM the non boyfriend part the part that was just fun he was my best friend
and that still makes me sad
but it is a tradeoff i guess
you just have to lose it too
it is so much better this way though
and the thing i regret most is staying with him for as long as i did when i had doubts
when i KNEW certain things
but all of his lies confused the hell out of me and i didnt know what to do so i pushed them aside
all of it has taught me a lesson though and im the kind of person that needed to learn this lesson early
im passive and dont trust my own judgement and get taken advantage a lot
and im just glad i am realizing all of these things about myself about boys now
so i wont make a huge mistake later
i just want nothing serious or anything that even has to do with being serious
i think zach dyed his hair to look like harry potter by the way
stuff like that is stuff i would tell him about and i now i cant
i dont speak to him anymore and i dotn know if i ever will
oh well