watching the oscars. so far john stewart is very funny. I'm still sadden that MacAvoy and Knightly did not get nominated for Atonement. I really hope it takes the best picture award. But I have a feeling it will be No Country for Old Men or possibly There Will Be Blood, neither of which I've seen. I do want to see them both actually. Katie Heigel is on and she is very nervous and very pretty. You know how men can have man crushes and it can not be considered gay...can i have a female crush on Katie Heigal and it not be gay? These awards so far are predictable...i'm 3 for 3. I guess 3 isn't that many, but yeah.
We had a meeting for all of sam's club at 7am this was fine...i got nominated for the MVP award, did not win but it was really nice to be nominated. Ha tha so tied into me watching the oscars. I stayed a few hours and did some work for tomorrow. I came home with so much ambition. I was going to work out go to Meijer and go to church. I did none of that. I laid down at 3 and thought that I'd get up to aleast go to church at 5, but I slept until 7pm. So I did nothing that I had planned to do today other then work. Oh and I played the drum game on the playstaion...twice today. Its probably one of the best games ever! Although is soo loud...i feel bad for our neighbors condsidering I can hear it up in my room so i'm sure they can hear it next door. I bet they wonder what the hell is going on in our house...some domestic abuse or animal fights...maybe a punching bag to get our female aggression out, but no its the playstaion (jeff playstation!).
Frankenmuth was fun, Amber and I went Friday night to Saturday. We shopped and swam in the hotel pool, took pictures (with our heads in cut outs...) yeah fun times! Actually kept my finances in check which is good.