Jun 23, 2008 23:37
i hardly ever update this anymore. thigns have been good busy with work and what not... i hate my car right now i want a new one so badly but i also dont want the monthly payment that goes with it. we just shelled out $1,100! on that damn car today.. last month it was $400 and in feb it was cost me $800. hopfully it keeps running for me till we get into a better place with our money to get a new car. with us jsut buying the house we would be cutting it damn close if we took on a car loan. just blows. to watch our hard earned money go that easy lol... plus i'm cheap lol..
man i have been hanging out so much with new friends and reconnecting with old ones lately.. its crazy i think last week i went out everynight and hung out with someone crazy for me.. i guess with Shawn and i working different hours i get bored now and miss the company. Plus i hate coming home to an empty house i miss my husband i hate that we have to work differnt hours. i pretty much only see him in passing or on our days off thank god we have the same days off or i would never see him!
ya'know i dont say it enough cuz i also jsut bitch on this thing whne i'm mad at my husband or whatever but i realize what a great husband i have he's so sweet and considerate (most of the time he is still a boy lol) but man after i hear alotta my friends and co-workers bitch about how little there husbands help them aroudn the house and stuff i realize how much mine does for me. He does dishes for me all the time since i work too that gets behind sometimes. laudry, and takes care of the yard. and takes care of me sometimes i really take him for granted and need to thank him for often.
but i do have a HUGE birthday BBQ planned for his big 29th! bithday. i'm hopping some of his friends come not jsut people he met threw me. i am one of thos people that makes friends pretty easy and will, he isnt. i think alot of that also has to do with him working graveyard for the last few years. thins out the friend i worked grave for the last 2 years and only recently got off there and BAM friends and peopel to hang with again. jsut how it works i guess.. but i should get back to all my boring cleaning and hosue work i need to get done before bed. man i wish i had anther day off :( but i'm back to the grind tomororw night, blah.