(no subject)

Jan 21, 2009 19:39

It's been a particularly busy week what with the wedding of my best friend at the weekend, (I will post some pics soon) and work, and me starting to pack ready for my move in just over 3 weeks. I really hate moving and I am going to have to be very disciplined to start filling boxes and also clearing out the accumulated crap! I can't believe the amount of superfluous stuff I have gathered. For no other reason than clearing out 'rubbish' it will be good to move.

Last week I had my eyes re-tested and as suspected, I needed slightly stronger lenses. Without them reading is almost impossible unless I have large print...a sign of old age??? Anyway I collected my new 'readers' today and I am thrilled at the improvement. They are graduated so that I get reading and computer distance all for the price of one.

On my way home I saw these beautiful trees which are all over the city and make a stunning display. Pleased I had my camera with me for a change.

Click on Image to Enlarge



flowers, trees

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