Busy, busy, busy!

Jan 16, 2009 11:36

It's a beautiful day here in Brisbane and  the thought of going to work in just over an hour isn't exciting me right now. Today I have finally organised a date when I will be moving out of my current unit to another one, so I guess that the next few weeks will be fairly hectic until I move on February 16th. I am very fortunate that I am able to rent a friends unit very close to where I currently live and almost around the corner from Andrew.

Andrew and I just went out for coffee and cake (slimming variety...NOT)! :-) I am off to a wedding tomorrow to a colleague from work, so that will be fun. I finally managed to get a tie to wear. What a nightmare that was! The chances are I won't wear it again for a very long time, but at least I have it should the occasion arise.

All I need to do now is remember how to tie it!

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