Sep 09, 2012 08:39
Every now and again I get sudden feelings of guilt at not posting here. But why? I have a paid account, and really, is it such an effort to put up a few pictures and to share some of what is going on in my day? I guess we all have little spare time in our lives, but I have decided that rather than see this as a chore I can use it to focus for a few moments and use it as a time for reflection, and to share.
As always things have been rather hectic with work and winter season is not the best time with all of the usual respiratory conditions that I encounter. Finally spring is here and the workload has eased a little. The weather is warming up, and all predictions are that it is going to be a hot dry summer. It has been almost 8 weeks since we had rain, and everywhere is like a tinderbox. Bushfires and grassfires have broken out here and there, but luckily no major damage and no loss of life. 25 - 29c is the norm now and at least humidity isn't an issue at this point. It will come. UGH!!!
I'm really in need of a break and I have decided to head off to San Francisco in November for 2 weeks. This will be my first visit here and I'm very excited about it. I'm never happier than when I'm travelling. Unfortunately Andrew won't be with me on this trip. With his work he was supposed to be in Abu Dhabi at the same time, and it wasn't a feasable option for me to go as well, seeing as he'd be working for the majority of the time. So, I planned this trip in November and guess what? His dates were changed and he is away earlier now. Oh well, c'est la vie.
Believe it or not I do drop in now and again and look at your posts. I'll try to be a more regular visitor.