I'm back!

Apr 30, 2012 09:15

Hello... My name is AL, and I'm a recovering journaholic. :-)

I've been taking a break from live journal, as you will have noticed..
This time has given me time to concentrate of things I needed to do, chores to be completed and study that I enjoy. This time has put me in touch with certain things again which had been laying forgotten, or fallow if you will. I needed to make some adjustments. I have continued to enjoy my travelling, be it near or far, and in time I will take you on some of my travels through my posts. I think I just needed the break so that I can come back renewed and refreshed. Large amounts of time have been spent composing my blog, and then following through answering comments, and getting out to visit as often and as many as possible of other wonderful posts encountered along the blogging highways and byways.
It's time for me to slow down a little bit in regard to all that. ‘Adventure Before Dementia’ will continue, but perhaps at a slower pace than previously. Not that I was a prolific 'poster'. The house cleaning of late has shown me that there are numerous books around me that I haven't read yet. And I love to read. Have been doing a lot more reading recently than I have since blogging monopolized large amounts of my life. It’s not always the posting that is time consuming. It’s the reading. My camera has been languishing in the living room corner, neglected. It is time to change that. I need to spend more time out with the camera, and less time in front of the PC. My Italian studies which I thoroughly enjoy, are at risk of neglect. Less burning the midnight oil leaving just one more comment in a comment box, and more time sleeping. I need to adjust certain perspectives and priorities, spend more time more in touch with the real, the immediate, and less time in the virtual realms of cyberspace.
So, I shan't disappear from the blogosphere, which is a vibrant community I've come to love and respect and admire, but I shall be a bit less present than previously.
Now, it's time for what I set out to blog about today, which was not the above series of reflections which simply happened spontaneously, but about a wonderful short trip to Singapore which Andrew and I made in March.

View over Marina Bay from Hotel

Singapore Flyer...and check out that hotel with a ship on the roof!

You can go onto the roof of this hotel for a $20 fee...well worth the view.

Merlion, the symbol of Singapore with city towering behind.

Yours truly!


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