Mostly unconnected things.

Nov 10, 2006 15:01

Life has been manic lately. Nicole just messaged me from Europe, and I'm now entertaining fantasies of using my tuition refund for a ticket to Amsterdam. Just fantasies at this point. There's not really any way this could become a reality. *kicks stuff*

Playwriting is... okay. Better than it was, anyway. I'm nervous for Monday, when I'll have to perform something. My boss at the scene shop let me have the day off, so I better use it for something other than farting around on LJ.

Tonight is the Dairy Party. I'm experiencing spasms of indigestion just thinking about it. Who has a dairy party? They even bought Lactaid for it, along with cheese, alcohol, ice cream, egg nog, and the ingredients for white russians. My roommates are awesome. I'm going to try and not hide in my room the entire time. I hate being Socially Awkward person all the time.

Last night I had this really weird dream about trying to get drunk with some guy that looked vaguely like my friend Daniel and also vaguely like Anton Chekov. This guy got steadily inebriated while I was still up at the bar, trying to just get a beer. Then it was dawn, the bar closed, Daniel/Chekov passed out, and I had to walk home.

Unless some miraculous post comes up on Craigslist, I don't think I'll be able to get a ride to Boulder for Thanksgiving. Sorry guys. But I'll definitely be there for a couple days during Christmas break.

I watched the L-word for the first time. Meh. When I started complaining that all of them had perfectly plucked eyebrows, the other girl I was watching it with replied that it did take place in Los Angeles. Still; even the butchest one among them has perfectly shaped eyebrows, makeup, and no body hair. I am forced to question the validity of this. And the show itself kind of sucked. I was hoping for more, I guess, than boring drama the likes you can find on any channel, with the additional bonus of gratuitous boob shots and girl-on-girl action. In other words, it looks like a show written by straight people, for straight people, and starring straight people as lesbians. Queer as Folk is much better.

Oh yeah, and I got my femme-stache waxed off. That hurt like hell! I don't remember it being so painful when I was twelve and I got it done. I think electrolysis is the way to go. My face looks weird now. I miss it, which is very strange to admit.

Following this Too Much Information thread, I'm going to the doctors on Monday to get tested. It's been too long, and this summer I was a bit too... sexually liberated? Yeah, that's a good euphemism. I might try to get Donna to go with me and hold my hand. I'm still celibate, by the way. Though I am going out dancing with my co-workers next Friday, and I've been wondering if my 31 year old coworker from Kentucky has been trying to flirt with me, or if that's just his personality.

I really like this userpic.

dreams, blah blah blah

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