my most interesting weekend -- will be cross posted on myspace for the losers on there.

Oct 23, 2005 14:10

While in the computer lab, I run into Juliette and Le Animal. They invite me to go salsa dancing with them in the next room. This sounds better than homework, so I agree.
I end up dancing with this almost-meathead guy who actually knows what he's doing, but still seems confused about the boundary between pro-wrestling and dance. He shows my other partner how to appropriately yank my elbow behind my head. I think to myself how grateful I am that I never had brothers growing up to put me through this shit. I leave sort of early.

Ben Cloud and Crescentblue invite me over to make bread. I get to hear that ANOTHER good friend of mine is leaving Boulder soon, bringing the grand total up to two. We bake bread and cookies, neirbobug comes over, and we all eat super chocolate cookies with really tasty skim milk.

Afterwards, we leave. Neirbobug goes dancing, I sink deeper than ever into my depression. All I want to do is drink and smoke ten million cigarettes or maybe go and smash some windshields with my forehead. Instead, I go out to eat with the Male Crush and two other Male Almost-Crushes. I'm too depressed to eat much or even enjoy being surrounded by weird sexy guys.
Then I go to a party, drink most of a flask of Jim Beam, and convince 2 of my friends to fight me. In the course of this, I manage to break my glasses. Shit.
Later: Nate comes to the party, and brings his car, saving my friends and I from a long, drunk, cold walk home.
But. We go to the mountains instead, and I am riding in the back of Nate's pickup and it is so cold I sober up and the moon is out and there are ten million stars and it all so unbelievably beautiful. We drive farther away from Boulder and I feel cleansed by this freezing wind that blows right through my jacket and pierces me in the best possible way.
We get to an appropriate place to stop. I jump out, and start walking. Nate, Steve, and Marc accompany me to the edge of a cliff. They shout and scream, crazy drunk animal noise, and part of me wants to join in, but I don't feel the need to scream anymore.
Walking back down, Nate and I stop to make out. Steve decides he wants a piece of the action, comes over and licks our cheeks. I don't take this intrusion so well (I don't mind being licked by cute drunk guys, but the growling kind of unnerved me), fall backwards, manage to pull Steve with me, and twist my ankle. Shit. I think I ended up licking Steve back later. Interesting.

I go to Nate's house and we stay awake till the not-so-wee hours of the morning, talking and having lots of sex. Yay.

I wake up around 1pm, have sex again, and then stumble out to meet the day; bruised, scratched, and unable to walk very well. I decide that there is no way I can make it to Denver with a fucked-up ankle and totally blind without my glasses, so I go home, go shopping, and take a long bike-ride (biking, strangley enough, does not hurt my ankle) and recuperate.
I put on an outrageous costume that shows all my legs and a lot of my boobs (think semi-unlaced corset...) and go with Kat and Katie Blue to the Freakiest Show, which was sort of boring unfortunately. We drink gin and smoke in Kat's car, then decide to go home, bake cookies, cook sausage, and watch cartoons. After making cookies, we find a Beavis + Butthead Moron-a-thon on tv. Steve comes over with his friend and we bask in the glow of nostalgic brain-death television.

What a great weekend.

drinking adventures

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