Desperate Needs

Oct 05, 2011 19:26

Desperate Needs
Subjects: Potential!Kyuhyun/Yesung, Siwon
Rating: PG | Genre: AU!Comedy?
Disclaimer: I own no one.
Summary: He needs someone to talk to. Now.


Kyuhyun was alone.

He stared around the small condo in hopes that someone, anybody would show up, he wished he had enough money to call a delivery service so he could at least see another person's face. He was this close, or maybe surpassed being desperate for human contact.

No internet to IM or email, not until the cable company came, the same cable company that withheld his television and all he could watch was static television.

His charger accidentally taken away and leaving his phone dead, unable to call anyone. No video games, no DVDs to watch, he'd even read a book as long as it passed time faster, but was deprived of that as well.

No car to help him escape, forever trapped in this condo. He wondered how long it had been since he had human contact.

He curled up in a fetal position when he heard a small click by the balcony window, he stopped what he was doing and watched as a shadow carefully opened the door and stepped quietly inside.

The thief jumped at the sight of Kyuhyun sitting on the floor whose eyes round as if it just discovered gold.

Yesung stared wide eyed as Kyuhyun reached for his shirt.

"Talk to me."


"You're here to rob me, right?" Yesung closed his mouth, not exactly sure if that was a trick question. He decided the safest route was to leave quickly before this person could call the cops. He quickly turned around but was suddenly pushed against the balcony door.

“You are a person, you can talk!” Kyuhyun exclaimed. "You are a breathing human being!"

Was this person planning on ending that?

Yesung ducked beneath his arms and made a bolt for the door, but Kyuhyun was faster and blocked the door with body, signaling off his only other exit. Yesung, scared out of his wits, stepped away slowly as he tried to find an escape route.

Before he look back at the balcony, he was suddenly tackled to the ground.

"You can rob me all you want!” Kyuhyun declared. “Just stay and talk to me!"

"Let go of me!"

"NEVER!" He screeched.

Yesung tried to crawl away but Kyuhyun held him down with his weight. Yesung was suddenly turned around and forced against the ground, terrified as Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"There's not even bugs I can kill to pass the time, this place is too clean to clean again. I have no one I know in this city and it's a hundred and four degrees outside, too hot to even walk outside and meet anyone. I have no job to go to and I have no other means of human contact.”

Kyuhyun dug his fingers into Yesung’s chest.

“The only action I had gotten the whole day was when I tripped over the table."

Kyuhyun then lifted his collar.

"Now stay and talk to me, you will right?" Kyuhyun asked with an insane smile, Yesung could have sworn he saw a twitch in his eye.

The intended thief could only nod.


"So you're telling me we were robbed... And you did nothing about it... Because you were lonely?"

Kyuhyun nodded, Siwon struggled to understand his roommate's state of mind, considering the circumstances of his now empty condo.

"And you helped him?"

"He had a bad back."

"Four days. Four days alone at home, and you couldn't even handle that."

“Well, I warned you this could happen.” Kyuhyun said casually.

Siwon narrowed his eyes. “That you were going to let in a thief in our house? No you didn’t!”

"I can't see into the future, I would have warned you if I did though." Kyuhyun added with a pointed finger.

Siwon cringed, his palm pressed against his forehead. With a tap on his shoulder to the confused man, Kyuhyun smiled innocently behind him.

"I told you not to let me house-sit alone."

Siwon held back from cursing out loud when he noted Kyuhyun heading towards the door. "Where are you going?!"

Kyuhyun grabbed his keys. "Oh... He offered me dinner as a thanks for earlier."

"And you're taking him up on his offer?" He asked incredulously. The door nearly closed when Kyuhyun held it, with a smirk, he said,

"I'd be rude otherwise."


A/N: This was basically how I felt when I moved to the other city, and dying of boredom and seclusion. To the point that I told Ciel "I would welcome a thief ;A;" No one came to rob me, but this is the scenario if it did :) Also this is a temporary title, don't like it, still thinking of a proper one. If anyone has any ideas, please share ^^;

I say Potential!Kyusung, if you...squint?

c: siwon, | length: drabbles, c: yesung, type: crack/no pairing, type: fanfiction, c: kyuhyun

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