Fight Club

Feb 13, 2020 20:35

Author: NYWCgirl
Fandom: White collar
Pairing:  None
Characters:    Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Mozzie
Warning/genre:  friendship, Hurt/comfort, non con drugging, pre-series, AU
Spoilers: none 
Rating: Gen

Author’s Notes:  This fic fills my February challenge for H/C Bingo. My prompts were Wild card (bruises), drugged, fighting, lost childhood. It is a chapter in my Fifty ways Peter and Neal could have met verse.

Word Count: ~1440

Summary:     Peter is undercover while he still works violent crimes, he meets a kid that is in desperate need of his help.

Fic can be found on AO3.

 Peter sits in his car, he takes a deep breath, he hates undercover jobs like this. When he came out of the Academy, all he wanted was to be assigned to violent crimes, but now he starts to rethink his decision. He knows they are starting a white collar division and he seriously is considering applying for it.
Taking a last deep breath, he gets out of the car and walks up to the warehouse. Out of nowhere a bouncer approaches him, ‘good evening, boss.’

He nods at the man and the door is opened for him. The air seems to consist out of smoke, sweat and alcohol. Men are cheering and shouting.

‘Hi Paul, how are you doing?’

‘Great, what do we have for tonight?’

‘Aarav says he is bringing in a new boy.’

Peter rolls his eyes, another kid brought into this life. He is so done. He can´t wait until he gathers enough evidence to stop this human trafficking ring.

‘Is he any good?’

‘No idea, haven´t seen the kid.’

‘Whatever, if Aarav pays the fight fee, I am OK with it.’

*  *  *

The fights have been going on all night and it is almost time for Aarav’s guy to come into the ring. Peter checks out his men and one of them nods his head, so Peter looks in the direction indicated.

The boy that is waiting is only dressed in a jeans. He is still a minor, he seems untrained, clearly athletic but not grown into a man´s body yet. The kids appears agitated and hyper-aware, his eyes flicking around. The fight is already been announced and Peter can only watch as Aarav sends the kid into the ring.

The moment he sees his opponent, he goes for it. The fight is brutal and he gets a couple of good hits in, before he receives a mind blowing uppercut. Peter is convinced the kid is out, but he crawls back up and the rage showing on his face, would bring fear in any sane person. The kid catapults himself towards the other fighter and starts pounding into the man. Once he is down, the kid doesn´t show any recognition he won this fight, he keeps going at his downed opponent. Peter whistles and two bodyguards enter the ring. Peter sees Aarav and walks up to him.

‘What did you give the kid?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Louis, William, bring him to my office.’

Peter looks in the ring and his two men are struggling with the kid, they finally are able to wrestle him out of the ring and Peter walks up to the kid, he is smaller and skinnier than Peter and still his men have trouble keeping him restrained. Peter looks into the kid’s eyes, and the blue that is supposed to be there is almost completely swallowed by his pupils.

‘Restrain him and keep in room 3, I want to talk to him. Give him water, because he is probably dehydrated. I can´t have a dead kid on my premises.’

‘Will do boss.’

Peter walks back to his office to deal with Aarav.

‘Seriously, the boy is a minor, what if he dies here? I can´t have that sort of negative publicity. What are you, a freaking imbecile?’

‘Paul, I can explain, wait.’

‘Aarav, you tried to double cross me, I suggest you leave will you still can.’

The moment he can, Aarav, leaves the office and scrams. Peter walks back to changing room 3. He still has to deal with the kid without blowing his cover. He is relieved to see the kid is still alive. He wouldn´t be the first one to die from a heart attack after taking Gravel. Damn drugs.

‘Hey kid, you with me?’

He doesn´t touch the kid, knowing that the drugs make the consumer aggressive for no explainable reason. He also knows the violent behavior will cause the boy to physically harm himself but also the people around him. He still thinks what he can do about the boy without causing suspicion.

‘He is a good scraper, I give him that, let’s see how well he fights without gravel. Maybe he will be worth keeping. We can always get rid of him later or use him for other purposes. He is a looker.’

His men laugh and it makes him sick to his stomach, but he will have to keep up the act.

‘I will ask the vet to come and set him up with an IV, so he doesn´t croak on us. Leave him here.’

Peter makes a phone call and within fifteen minutes an elderly woman enters his office.

‘This better be good, I’m on duty.’

‘You know I wouldn´t call you if it wasn´t serious. Follow me.’

Peter leads her to the room where they are keeping the kid. When he opens the door, the kid is staring at them with wide eyes, clearly afraid. The rage seems to have left, leaving a terrified kid.

‘Careful, I think he is dosed with Bath salts. I guess Gravel.’

The woman makes a disapproving sound, ‘OK, hold him, so I can get vitals.’

She quickly checks the kid, who seems to yoyo between rage and paranoia.

‘I think you are right, the kid is severely dehydrated and his blood pressure and heart rate are way too high for a kid his age. I estimate he is 18, maybe a bit older or younger, but it will be close. As far as I can tell he was injected or injected himself.’

‘I know. What can we do?’

‘I will get an IV started to hydrate him so we are not in risk of organ failure. He will have to detox. It won´t be pleasant. I will give him benzos, they should counteract the agitation and aberrant behavior. I will also give him a low dose of norepinephrine to normalize his heart rate and blood pressure.’

‘Thanks, I appreciate it.’

‘Well you pay me good, so… OK Let’s get to work.’

*  *  *

When the trafficking ring is busted and arrests are made, Peter is not present. He needs to keep his undercover identity intact, so he told his men, he was taking the kid to a buyer.

Peter walks into the facility where Neal stays. He found out the kid’s name when the drugs started  to wear of. After some research, it turns out that Neal Caffrey grew up in the Federal Witness Protection Program under the alias Danny Brooks. He shouldn´t have been able to find all this out, but Neal was very forthcoming with information, once he realized he escaped a bleak future. The kid is a runaway and was an easy target for the man in the trafficking ring. He will be witness in the trial, but for now, he is recuperating in a facility. The FBI didn´t dare admit him in a regular hospital. Since there are no official parents registered, a judge gave Peter power of attorney over the kid to make medical decisions.

He finds Neal in the art room of the facility, where the kid seems to spend most of his time.

‘Hey Neal.’

‘Oh hi Peter.’

Peter can see the talent Neal has, the paintings he makes are of a quality one expects in a professional artist.

‘How are you feeling?’

‘OK, I guess. I still have cravings, but the doc are giving me medication to make the detox process easier to cope with, so I am OK.’

‘Good, that’s good.’

‘Want to get a cup of coffee?’

Peter smiles, he knows, Neal is not supposed to drink coffee, but it will give the kid a change to snack, and he can still remember his teenage years where he seemed hunger every minute of the day.

‘Sure, let’s go.’

Neal quickly cleans his brushes and they walk to the dining room, where Peter taps himself a cup of coffee and Neal a cup of tea and puts a couple of slices of cake on a plate. Neal quickly finishes them.

‘So, you think you about going back into Witsec?’

Neal’s face darkens so Peter decides to talk about something else, they will come to that later when the facility if ready to discharge him.

‘The doctors told me I am physically detoxed, so that is good, isn´t it?’

‘That’s excellent. And remember, none of this was your fault, you didn´t take those drugs voluntarily, you are a victim, OK?’

‘I know.’

They spend the rest of the morning together, Peter trying to get Neal to return to St. Louis, and rejoin his family.

*  *  *

Peter is still sleeping when his phone rings. He blindly gropes for the phone until he has it.

‘This is Burke.’
‘Agent Peter Burke? This is Eli, Neal’s counselor. Neal is gone!’

february challenge h/c bingo, hurt/comfort, h/c bingo, fighting, lost childhood, drugged, bruises, round 10

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