Mac + Cell + Jack

Feb 04, 2020 11:38

Author: NYWCgirl
Fandom: Macgyver 2016
Pairing: none
Characters: Macgyver, Jack Dalton, Murdoc
Warning:  none
Spoilers: none 
Rating: Gen
Word Count: ~
Disclaimer:  Characters are not mine…
Summary:  Mac wakes up and can´t remember what happened. What did he do that landed him in jail with no help from his team? What if it turns out he did something unimaginable?

This fic fills the ‘confession in a desperate situation’ square on my H/C Bingo card. This fic was inspired by one I read in the White Collar fandom, but I can´t seem to recall the title, if someone recognizes it, please let me know, so I can give credit.

CO = correctional officer

This fic can also be found on AO3.

Mac groans when awareness returns. His head feels like it’s being split in half. Squinting, he tries to figure out where he is.

This can´t be happening, he finished this mission, he is no longer in Bishop. The orange uniform begs to differ, as does the cell he is in. He tries to sit up but his head is killing him, so he lays back down and closes his eyes, swallowing against the nausea.

Once he feels like he isn´t going to spill his cookies, he searches his memory for clues, how he got here. But nothing comes to mind. Maybe if he takes a nap, he will feel better.

*  *  *

The next time he wakes it is because of someone hitting the cell door and yelling at him.

‘You know the drill, het up and face the wall!’

Mac sits up, closing his eyes when the head rush tends to make him face plant.

‘Inmate Macgyver, get up and face the wall, NOW!’

‘OK, OK, getting up already,’ he whispers.

He stumbles towards the wall and spreads his arms and leg. He can hear the door being unlocked behind him.

‘Keep facing the wall, we will perform the weekly sweep.’

‘Why am I here?’

‘No talking, Macgyver.’

He groans when pain shoots through his head. The guard studies him and Mac has to squint to focus on the man.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘My head is killing me.’

‘Well, that tends to happen when you are an agent in super max. You don´t have friends. Stop whining, the doc had a look at you and said you were fine.’

‘I am entitled to pain medication.’

‘You are entitled, he? Look at that Earl, we’ve got ourselves an intellectual.’ The man taunts.

‘Look, can I see the doctor again. I really don´t feel well.’

‘Doc is already off duty and it isn´t an emergency. I will ask for a consult tomorrow morning.’

‘I really think I…’

‘Look pal, guess you didn´t think when you got your partner killed, did you? Or do you want to keep the act up it was an accident?’

Mac turns in unbelieve towards the other CO, but gets body slammed into the wall, aggravating his head injury. He stumbles and goes down. After they do the check, the COs leaves the cell laughing.  Mac stays curled up on the floor. That can´t be true, can it? He would never kill Jack? But what if he did, unintentionally? A cold dread spreads through him. The emotions combined with his injury make him crawl to the toilet in the corner, where he dry heaves. There is nothing in his stomach, and the strain on his muscles make his head feel even worse. He splashes some water in his face before stumbling back to his bunk. Closing his eyes, he quickly falls asleep.

*  *  *

He wakes feeling even worse when his dinner is brought.

‘I need a doctor.’

‘Yeah, yeah, I heard it before. Like I said earlier, you get your medication the doctor prescribed and tomorrow I will talk to the doctor.’

‘I saw a doctor?’

‘Yeah, of course, what do you think we are? Barbarians?’

‘Look at the bandage, does that like the work of an amateur?’

Mac nods his understanding, immediately regretting it. He accepts the tray, putting it on the table. He takes the glass of water and swallows the pill.’

‘You know the drill.’

Mac shows his open mouth.

‘I will be back at lights out with another pill.’

Mac waves to show he understood and can hear the man leave the cell. He knows he should eat, but his stomach makes unhappy summersaults. He stumbles back to the mirror to see the bandage and clearly it was done by someone with medical training.


Mac looks behind him in the mirror, but he is alone. What else did he expect. The voice though, he would recognize it anywhere. But Jack’s not here, Jack is dead. He misses Jack, this is his subconscious talking.

Mac can feel tears building, ‘I’m sorry, I am so sorry. I…’
The pain is getting worse and he stumbles back to the bunk. Closing his eyes, he cries himself to sleep.

injury, hurt/comfort, head injury, h/c bingo, angst, amnesia, round 10, hurt

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