Living in the now - chapter 8 - Waking up to an medical emergency

Jul 22, 2019 11:20

For warnings, please check out chapter 1 of this story.

This chapter can also be found on AO3. It fills the 'therapy' square on my H/C Bingo card.

Jack wakes up with a throbbing pain in his stomach. He groans, he doesn´t need this, he has a busy day ahead. He wants to take Mac to the State Fair to meet up with a breeder who has a mare Jack is interested in. Mac could use the distraction.
He takes a couple of deep breaths and sits up on the side of the bed. OK, maybe that was not a good idea, something is wrong. He would almost say it felt like appendicitis, but isn´t that something you get when you are young? Not something a forty year old gets. When the pain intensifies, he realizes he needs to get to a hospital. He needs to get Mac out of bed. He slowly gets up and shuffles towards Mac´s bedroom. Cold sweat has formed on his body when he arrives at the door. He dreads waking up Mac without their daily routine but he really needs to get to a hospital, before he gets incapacitated. The pain notches up and Jack can only hope his appendix won´t rupture. He opens the door and calls out, ‘Mac? Mac! I need you to get up. Come on Mac, wake up.’
Mac blinks open his eyes, staring around in confusion.
‘Ci, come girl, guide Mac.’
Ci jumps up to Mac with her leash and Jack groans when he takes her harness. He can see Mac´s confusion and he hates doing this to Mac, but this is an emergency.
‘Mac, I need to go to a hospital. I think I have appendicitis. Are you with me? Please get dressed and come down.’
When Mac doesn´t respond, it is clear he is trying to make sense of the situation he has woken up to, Jack uses his military voice, telling Mac to get dressed immediately. Mac immediately jumps up and grabs his clothes. Jack slowly shuffles back to his room to get some essentials, by the time he gets down, he is breathing hard and has to sit down. He will never be able to drive them to the closest hospital, so he calls 911 and tells them his situation. The operator informs him an ambulance will be there within ten minutes. Mac just stares at Jack in utter confusion and Jack´s heart breaks seeing how lost Mac is. Mac is petting Ci´s head who picked up on Mac´s anxiety and tries to comfort him. Finally he breaks through his silence.
‘Where are we Jack? What is going on? Whose dog is this?’
‘Mac, I know this is all confusing and nothing makes sense, but you will have to thrust me, OK?’
Mac nods.
‘Did you take your notebook with you when you came down?’
‘No, should I have?’
‘Yes, please go get it. Ci, stay.’
Mac quickly runs upstairs and comes back with the notebook.
‘Don´t forget your phone and some food for Ci, everything is in that backpack.’ Jack points towards the pantry where he can see it.
Mac does as he is told, even though he is still looking confused. The doorbell rings and Mac opens it, revealing two EMT´s.
‘Jack Dalton?’
‘No, he is over there.’ Mac points towards Jack.
The two EMT´s walk inside and crouch next to where Jack is sitting.
‘Good morning, my name is Frank and this is William. We’ll do a quick examination, OK?’
Jack nods, gritting his teeth when one of the EMT´s touches his stomach. It sets Mac on edge and Jack reassures Mac he is alright.
‘He is coming with us, my brother Mac has a brain injury and can´t stay home alone.’
The EMT looks at Ci´s harness and nods, ‘you guys served?’
‘Yeah, medically discharged.’
‘Thank you, both of you. It is an honor. OK, we’ll get you on a gurney and we’ll be on our way. Mac? Let´s go. You are also coming with us. What is your dog called?’
‘Welcome Ci, let´s go.’
Mac follows Jack´s gurney with Ci´s leash in his hand. He looks so out of place the EMT´s stay close and explain everything that is happening.

*  * *

Once they are in the ER, blood samples are taken to confirm the appendicitis. Jack is already on painkillers while they wait for the results. Jack wanted to explain to Mac what happened but at this point, he is glad he can keep his eyes open.
‘Read your journal.’ He slurs.
Mac does as he is told while Jack closes his eyes. It isn´t until Jack hears Ci´s whining that he rouses. Her nervous movements alert him that something is wrong. Damn drugs. Mac is staring in front of him, clearly caught in the onset of a seizure. Jack presses the nurse call button, ‘I need help in here,’ he hollers, ‘ he is seizing.’
The nurse who enters the box is just in time to get Mac on the floor before the seizure takes hold of Mac. Ci takes her place next to Mac and thirty seconds later it is over. Mac´s body relaxes and Ci puts her head on his chest. Mac´s hand unsteadily comes up to pet her.
‘It’s OK Mac, you had a seizure. Just relax, Ci is here.’
The nurse checks Mac´s vitals, reassuring him everything is alright. When Mac feels better, the nurse helps him up.
‘Mac, when you are feeling better, call Bozer, his number is in your phone, Tell him what happened and that my mum is out of town. He can explain everything.’
The ER doc enters and tells Jack that his diagnosis is confirmed. They now have to wait for a surgeon and an OR to become available. Jack nods, all he wants is to close his eyes, but he needs to take care of Mac.
‘Can you please call Matty Webber, the number is Mac´s phone. Please explain her what happened, she knows Mac and will come. She can take care of things until a family member can come over.’
‘Will do Mister Dalton. I will take good care of Mister Macgyver.’
‘Call him Mac.’
She smiles nodding.
An OR nurse comes in to prep Jack for surgery while Mac is still recuperating but clearly feeling better. Jack can hear him talk on the phone so clearly he’s gotten through to Bozer.
‘We are ready now, mister Dalton.’
‘Can you wait a moment, I need to talk to Mac.’
‘Go ahead.’
Mac looks up.
‘Mac, did you talk to Bozer?’
‘Yeah, he´s coming over on the next flight. But I told him to wait, that I would call after the surgery.’
‘That´s good. Look, they are taking me into surgery. Matty, Ci’s rep will come over, OK? She can explain everything to you, OK? Check your phone, there is a picture of Matty Webber.’
Mac swallows nervously, but nods.
‘Read your journal and stay with Ci. See you after the surgery.’ Jack pulls Mac in a hug and Mac lets him.
‘See you Jack.’

*  * *

‘My name is Matty Webber, you called me concerning Angus Macgyver?’
‘Yes, he is in box 3. He was brought in with Jack Dalton. Mister Dalton said you are aware of Mister Macgyver´s condition and could help?’
‘Yes, I can. Can I go see him?’
‘By all means, box 3.’
Matty walks into the ER after the nurse buzzes her in. She walks up to box 3, taking a deep breath before entering. Her heart aches when she finds Mac petting Ci, looking like a lost child.
‘Hi Mac. Do you remember me?’
He shakes his head, but he tells her he knows who she is because he read his journal.
‘Good, I understand Jack is in surgery for an appendectomy?’
‘The nurse also told me Ci took care of you while you had your seizure earlier.’
That gets a smile from Mac, who pets Ci, ‘yeah, she did very well, I could feel her presence.’
‘I’m proud of you two, this hasn´t been an easy morning. Do you want to wait here or go home?’
‘I want to wait for Jack.’
‘OK, let me make some arrangements with the nurses. Do you have your medication and Ci´s stuff?’
Mac gestures at the backpack she knows to be containing Ci´s food and water.
‘Has she been walked?’
Mac thinks a moment and shakes his head.
‘Shall I do it for you?’
‘No, she is my responsibility, I’ll do it.’
The nurse intervenes, ‘If you want to go outside, I would prefer if you use a wheelchair, you just had a seizure. I can ask one of the candy stripers to accompany you.’
Before Mac can say anything, Matty gladly accepts the offer. Within minutes a volunteer with a wheelchair arrives.
‘I´m not an invalid.’ Mac grouses.
‘Correct, but we don´t want you to fall and hurt yourself. Hospital policy.’
That makes sense to Mac so he reluctantly sits down and takes Ci´s leash. Matty hands him the backpack. They leave the hospital and go into a small green space in front of the hospital. Matty makes sure she cleans up after Ci while Mac takes care of her feeding. She’s satisfied to see Mac taking such good care of Ci even in these difficult and unexpected circumstances.
Next they go to the cafeteria and Matty buys them breakfast which Mac eats without complaining. By the time they make it back to the surgical ward, the nurse tells Mac Jack is in recovery and everything went well. They are told the room number Jack will be admitted to, so they can wait there, instead of the noisy waiting room. When they enter, there is no bed, which makes sense since Jack will be brought back from recovery in a bed. In the corner is a folding chair and Matty tells Mac to take a quick nap, promising to wake Mac when Jack is back.
Mac reluctantly agrees, and the moment his head touches the pillow, he is out. Ci Climbs next to him and Matty smiles, they truly are a good duo.
Once Jack is back in the room Matty doesn´t wake either of them. They can both use their sleep. She cancels two appointments, claiming an emergency with one of her clients, which isn´t a lie.
Jack slowly wakes up and Matty walks up to him, grateful for the staff for putting the bed in its lowest position.
‘Hi Jack, how are you feeling?’
‘Like I´m on the good stuff. How´s Mac?’
She turns and steps aside so Jack can see Mac. Ci Lifts her head but when she finds everything in order, she puts her head back down again.
‘No thanks, now go back to sleep, so you are clearer when Mac wakes.’
Jack nods sleepy, ‘good idea.’
The next time he wakes Mac is awake, writing in his journal. He is so concentrated that he doesn´t notice Jack woke up. Matty smiles at Jack and he smiles back.
‘Hey Mac.’
Mac looks up, eyes wide and a smile forms on his face.
‘Jack, you’re awake.’
‘Yes kiddo, have you been behaving?’
Mac rolls his eyes.
‘How are you feeling?’
‘Sore, but better. How are you handling things?’
‘Matty took good care of us, so did the staff.’
Jack’s surgeon enters with a nurse, ‘so Mister Dalton, how is the pain?’
‘We will keep you overnight, and if everything goes as planned, we will discharge you tomorrow.’
‘Sounds like a plan.’
‘I understand we will be having another guest. Will you be OK to stay and sleep on a cot we provide, mister Macgyver? That way you can stay and watch over Mister Dalton.’
‘That would work. But can Ci stay?’
‘Since she is an assistance dog, she can. I already informed staff and security she will be staying overnight.’
‘Then we will be alright.’
The doc leaves and the nurse introduces herself as Aretha, she explains Jack what to expect, to let her know when he is in pain or needs anything. She promises to bring over dinner in about half an hour.
When she is gone, Matty tells them she is going home, but will check up on them and come tomorrow morning to drive them back home. They says their goodbyes and then the two men are alone. Jack calls Mac to him and gingerly scoots over, so Mac can lay down next to him. Mac doesn´t hesitate and quickly snuggles up to Jack, careful of his abdomen. Ci takes it as an invitation to join them at the food of the bed.
Jack smiles, he has his wolf pack with him, so there is nothing to say.

brain injuries, life changing injuries, recovery, (emotional) hurt/comfort, amnesia, aftermath, army days

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