Living in the now - Chapter 7 - Waking up to Ci

Jul 17, 2019 07:50

For warnings, please check out chapter 1 of this story.

This chapter can also be found on AO3. It fills the 'therapy' square on my H/C Bingo card.

Therapy is hard. The physical aspect but more so the mental part. Every day the physical therapist needs to explain what Mac needs to do and why. His occupational therapist suggested to keep a journal so he could reread what he did the day before in the morning, but most days Mac is so spend, he just clonks out before he can write anything down.
So Jack takes it upon him to write a brief report at the end of the day, he doesn´t like paperwork, but it is not that he is not used to having to write mission reports.
But the more Mac heals and recuperates, it is clear he is also starting to retreat into himself. He has seen the kid from going to being a golden retriever puppy to a shy, insecure version of himself. So once again, he takes it upon himself to help Mac.
When Mac is released from the hospital, Jack´s mum invites them to stay at the family ranch until they decide what to do. Mac is still in need of a lot of healing and therapies so it would be easier if they don´t have to worry about rent and cooking and cleaning. Jack explained to Mac what the plan was and while Mac had his doubts, he had forgotten them the next day, so Jack had given up explaining to Mac the plan and us took action, explaining to Mac that he had agreed to it. But even at the house, Mac is insecure about his seizures, even though the doctor explained that they would lessen, at the moment they made Mac insecure in doing anything, scared of having a seizure in a public place.
Jack explains to his mum that they need to get Mac more out of the house. She agrees to his plan and calls Mac. It is slow going. The broken arm has already healed, but the burns still cause him a lot od discomfort.
‘Yes ma´am?’
‘I need some groceries to make Jack his favorite apple pie. Jack is going to the store, so I need you to get me some sweet soft apples, walnuts, pecans and brown sugar.’
Mac looks a bit panicked and she gives him a reassuring smile, ‘I have written it down.’ She hands him the note.
‘Won´t it be quicker if you went with Jack to the store?’
‘Sorry honey, but I am expecting a potential buyer for our foal, so I can´t leave the farm.’
Mac nods, he can´t sell the new foal, he doesn´t have the expertise, so Ma Dalton has to do that herself. He accepts the note.
‘I will do my best.’
‘I know you will, sweetie, now go, Jack is waiting.’

*  * *

‘What do we need, Mac?’
Mac gets this thousand yard stare, he is clearly trying to remember.
‘Your mum wanted to make a pie.’
‘OK? What sort?’
‘Your favorite?’ he says unsure.
‘Oh wow, is she making her famous apple pie with nuts?’
That triggers something in Mac, ‘yeah, she needed apples, walnuts and pecans.’
‘Anything else?’
Mac thinks about it, ‘I´m not sure. Oh, but wait, she gave me a note!’ he triumphantly pulls the piece of paper from his sweat pants.
‘See, great work, let´s get everything and then get some ice cream, we earned a treat.’
Mac´s eyes light up. Jack smiles, he knows he can always bride Mac with Rocky Road.

*  * *

‘How did the grocery shopping go today?’
Jack looks up from his tablet.
‘Good, I guess, with some help he remembered some of the list. But eventually he also remembered he had a note. So that is a good thing.’
‘And is his condition permanent?’
‘Well, that is what the docs think. He may improve some, but…’
‘We will take care of him, Jack, that´s what family does.’
‘You should have seen him, ma, he was a genius.’
‘He still is Jack. Remember how he repaired my dryer, he only doesn´t remember that he did it. What were you researching?’
‘They have these PTSD service dogs and I am checking how I can get Mac one. I figured that way Mac could be more independent.’
‘Now that is a brilliant idea son.’

*  * *

Jack applies for a seizure response dog since Mac experiences them on a regular basis. Jack explains his plan to Mac´s neurologist, who totally agrees with Jack and makes sure he gets the appropriate documents he needs for the application.
He is informed by the center, it can take up to two years to find a match but that Mac´s case definitely meets the requirements so he is put in the pool to find him a dog.
The match is found quicker than expected. The center calls Mac and tells him they would like to set up a meeting. Mac agrees for a meet-up the next day, knowing it will take some time to get the dog trained.
The next day Mac is nervous but Jack agreed to come with him so he takes a deep breath before nodding to Jack he is OK.
When they enter the center, they are welcomed by a woman, she smiles but her eyes tell that she means business. Jack immediately likes her.
‘Hi, I´m Matty Webber, and I will be your case worker.’
‘Nice to meet you, Angus Macgyver, but please call me Mac.’
‘OK Mac, then you must be Jack.’
‘Affirmative Ma´am.’
‘I called you because we think we found a match. She is a thirteen months old bloodhound and she has been performing exceptionally in the seizure training. Your neurologist confirmed you still meet our requirements for our program. But I also feel that she will do exceptionally as a PTSD service dog.’
Jack has questions, but Mac talks before he can, ‘Can I see her?’
Matty smiles, ‘of course, follow me please.’
They follow her into a room where an adorable pup is waiting for them. She immediately walks up to Mac who lets her sniff him. Her tail is happily waggling until she sniffs his bandages.
‘I know, they don´t smell good, but they will go eventually.’
She surprises Mac by crawling in his lap, putting her head under his hand, so he starts petting her.
Matty turns to Jack, ‘ I knew they would match, but I needed to make sure.’
Jack is a bit emotional to see Mac so relaxed.
‘Well Mac, I think she likes you. What do you say? Do we start up training?’
‘Can I name her?’
‘Of course you can.’
‘Ci, I want her to be called Ci.’
Matty studies Mac but when he doesn´t offer an explanation, she asks what it means.
‘It means dog in Welsh.’
‘Fair enough.’
‘So what happens now?’
‘Training begins, our trainers will review your needs and now will custom train Ci so she can improve your quality of life. Congratulations Mac. I´m confident you will be a great team.’

*  * *

Mac is excited, Ci’s training is complete and he can pick her up today. Well that is what he saw on the little recording he made for himself. He had to smile on how excited he was on the screen. Jack is still sleeping so he decides to make some breakfast for himself.
He makes a note on his phone to get Ci dogfood, toys and a nice dog bed. Jack´s mum comes down and Mac can see she is excited too, everybody has been encouraging Mac and he is grateful for his new added family.
‘Good morning Mac, ready to pick up Ci?’
‘Yes, yes I am.’
‘Do you need me to do something?’
‘No, I think I have everything under control.’
‘OK then, let me get Jack out of bed then.’
‘No, let him sleep, I will wake him when it is time to go.’
‘Alright then, is there anything you need? I´m driving to Wallmart.’
‘No thanks, I’m good.’

*  * *

Jack drives Mac to the center. He chats the whole drive feeling the silence. Mac is nervous, he can feel it.
Matty is there to welcome them with a big smile.
‘Good to see you Mac, I’m so glad this worked out for you both.’
Ci´s trainer enters the room and Ci happily pats over to Mac, greeting him enthusiastically.
‘Hi girl, ready to go home?’
Ci barks and Mac´s smile widens. Matty hands Ci´s service dog harness, which he quickly puts on her.
‘OK, so you know the drill, over the next four to eight months I will come over to your home to help you work with Ci in your home, in public.’
‘Yeah, we know the drill, so when will you be over?’
‘I will give you guys a day to adjust, so the day after tomorrow.’
Mac takes Ci´s leash and they say their goodbyes. Jack took the jeep because he doesn´t thrust Ci not to damage the leather of his dad´s car. They bought a special seat belt for Ci and Mac clicks it in, securing Ci.
‘Didn´t we forget something? Jack speaks up in the car.
Mac frowns and then his face lights up, we need food for Ci.’
‘We sure do, hey girl, our man Mac here is going to take good care of you, OK?’
Jack drives to  pet Place and Mac unfastens Ci, taking her leash.
‘Come girl.’
They enter the store and it is clear Ci is excited to see all the toys and smells, but she stays with Mac. Jack has taken a shopping cart and dutifully follows Mac through the store.
‘She needs kibble and a bone.’
Mac pounders while looking through the different brands. Jack already has threw in different toys, dog bowls, a travel water bottle, snacks and some denta sticks.
‘Mac, she also needs a dog bed.’
Mac nods, guiding Ci to the aisle. He buys her the most comfortable looking dog bed he can find, well two, one for his bedroom and one for downstairs, before heading home.
Once they are home Jack tells Mac to go take a nap since he looks exhausted. It is testimony on how tired he is, when he doesn´t protest. He takes off Ci´s harness and lies down on his side on the couch, petting the spot behind his legs and Ci quickly takes the spot.
When Jack enters the family room, fifteen minutes later, both man and dog are fast asleep.

brain injuries, bombs, life changing injuries, (emotional) hurt/comfort, friendship, therapy, army days

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