Apr 30, 2012 15:15
Yeah, so today was a turd of a day, really it was. First, the cat woke me up early... as in HOURS early, because he wanted a pat. This after having arthritis and my leg going "Oh, hey... you don't really WANT to sleep tonight, right?" and keeping me up and since the radio is being stupid and only letting us hear interference at night, thanks to who knows what reason, and my iPod (note: the iPod WILL come up again in this) being inside, I was sans tunes and thus unable to fall asleep.
So, at the least I do get to tickle the lovely wife into a tiny bit of a hugfest, and that made up for not nearly enough sleep and then I get up and on my way to the bathroom, which is like the worst time EVER to have it happen, I slide a bit on the carpet thanks to the fact my cane slipped from my grip a bit and I SMASHED my toe into the door-frame of the aforementioned bathroom.
Freaking OW.
But rather than make a scene, I kept silent and did my morning bathroom type activities and went to my chair to start work wherein I discovered that one client is a dilwad and after WEEKS of ignoring us has removed the cranium from their tuchis and wonders why we're not getting instant promo. Mind you, the books we JUST FREAKING GOT FROM THEM have been sent, and reviews will go up but no, not overnight, you moronfromanotheruniverse. And jsut as I was about to get all freaked, as it is one of MY contracts and so the Bossman tends to freak when clients DO this and normally that might mean MY butt being reamed even if it was not my fault... well, the bossman did why I really LIKE him and comiserated with me on how this was an unreasonable thing to be wanting and explained using TINY LITTLE WORDS to said client what we were doing and why things were progressing actually DAMN WELL for a book of this nature, and to chill.
And then I spilled coffee on myself.
And so Veronica got ready to go to the post office with her boxes of eBay paid for things to send out and as she left I pulled out my trusty iPod (remember the iPod? I *said* it would come up again...) and turned it on and...
::sigh:: SO I pulled out the plug that I use to charge it and got it all ready and plugged it into the USB port and waited for the tiny CHARGING icon to pop up and...
it was dead. dead dead dead dead. my only way to really listen to music of my own choosing DEAD. The thing I use at night to hose myself off when I am having a bad night, DEAD. The poor generation 2 iPod that I cannot, in any freaking way shape or form afford to replace ((trust me, I DROOL over the touch... the thought of having a calendar and note taking thing like my old PDF that ALSO plays my music makes my knees weak... but hell, we're barely getting by here-- an iPod is NOT a necessity...))
We tried everything-- resetting, using different USB ports, using different cords to connect, using the PLUG IN charger to the wall, changing THOSE wires, resetting again and again and again and desperately tapping it like a demented fool learning Morse Code... it lay there, dead. SO Ronka went off to the post office and I sat here, despondent and a few minutes ago, figured "Oh what the hell..." and did the same reset I had done before but this time IT TOOK.
Look, I'm not stupid. I know tech. This is a gen2 iPod, that honestly, is prolly about to die at any moment... but right now? NOW? It's freaking CHARGING...
Monday is slowly looking up... nearly broken toe and coffee stained me notwithstanding...