zzzzZZzzzzzz huh? Oh, yeah... its morning...

Aug 15, 2010 19:01

Crappy, very crappy, exCEEDingly bad night last night. And after a whopping 3 hours of sleep, Brini thought I had enough and began poking mommy to get her out of bed so the day could begin. Oh, I freaking LOVE kitties.

Watching Bridezillas, I have put my food down... NO FREAKING BUTT UGLY TENDRILS OF HAIR DRAPED ART(yuck)ISTICALLY down from the front of either of our faces. ::shudder:: Who the HELL invented that? Who thinks that every single woman looks good with freaking antennae? YICKyickYUCK!

We finalized our colors, and they are uniquely ours. We'll both look good in them too. Since Sue will be the HP for our ceremony, I've asked Sie to stand for me, and when we do this big time, Din will be standing for Ronka, and we figured out the favor. So the big party is going along and the smaller ceremony will be casual fun.

OOooooo tonight is spaghetti and meatballs.... yumyumyum...

wedding, cats, friends, discoveries, amusing, ronka, gay

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