Jan 19, 2006 15:58
Ya ever have one of those days that you wish it was a dream...... Yea I'm having one of those..... Actually it's been the last few days. Sun we found out our phone is temp disconnected. Which means no internet for Lisa :( then my car doesn't wanna start which means no way of going anywhere unless Trent teaches me to drive the truck. Last night one of the cats started acting funny. I took him into the living room to take a look at him and realized he couldn't see. After few hours he seemed ok. He was running around the house eating and being a little goofy fuzz ball so i figured he was OK...... Boy was I wrong........ Trent found him this morning dead..... I keep blaming myself if i had kept him in my room maybe he would be ok..... Well, i guess that's my rant for now.... Hope to update soon.... TTYS