I'm curious about what other people thought of this one...
I can't decide how I feel about this episode. There were parts that made me smile and squee, and there were parts that just made me shake my head and ask myself 'why do I keep watching?' I love that they are addressing the Booth/Bones thing, and the fact that he told Cam he loves Bones... *g* But the rest of it...
I just don't know. It's like taking an easy way out of the plot line, doing it in a way where they give us just a taste, and then back off so they can keep that story line alive longer. I don't particularly love being toyed with. I also quite vehemently hated the psychic part. It just seems to degrade the whole thing for me. Maybe I'm too hard core scientist to appreciate it artistically for what it is, but I definitely hated it.
But then, you know, it is still Bones, a show I've watched for several years. It's still got all the characters that I love, and it's better than not addressing their relationship at all... I'm not ready to give up on it, but I was not overly thrilled with the premier.
Love it? Hate it? I want to know. :)