I got quite the fucked up last night. Some friends and I hung out and played this drinking game. It was fun, as was the early feeling of drunkenness, but the latter throwing up bit was not. I really need to learn to eat before drinking.
But Saturday wasn't a complete waste. I participated in the DC AIDS walk that morning. It was a nice 3 mile (5K, for those outside of the States) walk. It started at 9, I was finished by 10. I'm definitely going to jog that thing next year. Still, it was for a good cause and was actually kind of fun.
Oh hey, friends list! Take this here personality quiz:
Jung Personality Test and tell me what you got. I'm and INTJ. It's a pretty good one.
((Gah! Lj cut is being such an ass!!))
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chima_haiku What's one of the strangest things that has ever happened to you?
So many weird things happen to me everyday they're just about commonplace now. But something that used to happen to me quite often when I was younger was I would hear voices. I'd just be sitting down in a chair and would hear my name being called constantly - yelled, actually - in different voices. When it first started I thought it was real so I would look around for a source, but eventually I tried to ignore it, which was impossible. I'm pretty sure I would make faces anytime I tried to get rid of the sound. It never happened when I was around others and most often happened when I was in the house we used to live in. Never did figure out what it was.
What kind of comics do you read?
Only manga, really. I'm not a big comics person. Although I do have The Sandman comics right now, waiting to be read.
If you could see one band in concert right now, any band, dead or alive, which would it be?
Shinedown, those hoars! They keep dodging me.
What do you wish you could tell someone right now?
I hate they way you act with your boyfriend and his friend when we're all hanging out. It's very overbearing and annoying.
What's one of your musical guilty pleasures?
Eh, I don't really feel guilty about my music. If I had to choose, though, I suppose it would be Fall Out Boy. I tend to have a love/hate relationship with them.
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
YYH, of course. I am getting into Doctor Who/David Tennant fiction, thanks to
tennant_love and
Where would you like to go right now if you had enough money?
Anywhere and everywhere in Europe
What color is your bed?
Blue and brown
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
LJ, Facebook, Gmail, and Yahoo
What was the last thing you bought?
A shitload of books from Borders
What do you do to relax?
Read. Sometimes write, but that's usually when I've been extraverted for too long and need to get thoughts and feelings out.
Does the weather affect your mood?
Yeah, my overall mood tends to be worse as autumn/winter approaches.
What is your zodiac sign?
SCORPIO! (I love it, can't you tell?)
Do you want to learn another language?
I'm currently learning Japanese in college, I do okay with Spanish, and I would love to learn another. Although I want to be fluent at Japanese first.
5 things (not people) you can't live without?
1. Internet
2. Books
3. iPod
4. Weird people like me (pretty much the LJ flist)
5. Flip Flops
Do you have any siblings?
Two sisters and a brother
In no particular order, list two people who mean alot to you.
Mom, Papa
Who do you really resent right now?
I don't resent anyone right now, although there are a few people who generally get on my nerves. Pretty consistently, too.
What were you doing online before you started this meme?
Reading back LJ flist posts.
And I tag
firefox1490, and