Hello? Muse? I'd like to send this shit back now....

Mar 17, 2011 22:58

So I sit down to write something for the first time in ages, because I honestly haven't been able to squeeze even two minutes to myself to write with this last year, between my mother's concussion, that is now entering it's sixth month - yes SIX freaking months  (this literally right after the four month healing period for her broken foot ), and new jobs/promotions for both D. and myself .  It's been hard to find time to relax, and I miss this - I miss all the fablous people I've met online, I miss the creativity, and the caffeine rushes and the incredible fucking writing-gasm you get when you've been at it all day, the husband and the kid have been left to eat cereal for the third meal in a row, the coffee pot is the only thing that's getting your love today - and you just nail the scene you just wrote.

So, I sat down to write, because I need to unwind and spend a little me time. I started exploring the inception_kink meme and find this prompt, which is not only something that would never normally catch my eyes, but is also really, really simple, right?

My brain exploded O.o

That's the only possible explanation for the 7,000 + words that are now sitting on my hard-drive.  Did I mention that I started writing this something like yesterday morning?  *facepalm*  And that I've gone to work both of those days - did not call in sick, but actually schlepped my netbook with me to work just so I could get the extra time in on the commute?

I feel really bad for the prompter, actually. I mean, cute pairing, pregnancy... Fluff, right?  This just begs for some fluffy little one-shot with just enough plot to keep it from being cavity inducing.  It practically comes pre-stamped.

Apparently, my muse found this to be the perfect excuse to take up ganja smoking.  Or possibly watching too many Criminal Minds episodes without me.  I have the beginnings of what is probably the darkest thing I've ever written - and it's scaring me just a little, frankly.  Its the first time I've written something where I'm not sure what I have - I may have 7,000 words of absolute crap... and until someone else actually gets to read it, I just don't know.

So tell me, oh Muse, how is this supposed to be relaxing?

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