Gakked from [info]hogwartsduchess

Nov 06, 2006 11:21

Trading Cards
Paid Account Edition

User Number: 8278655
Date Created:2005-09-12
Number of Posts: 42 Nyruserra is a rather insane young mother of one. She is 5'6", medium brown hair amd hazel eyes (which is often a romantic way of saying murky brown with crap in them, but hey.) She shares her life with a 5lb furry dictartor named Nero, (a pureblood Somoli cat), and, ocasionally, her fiancee. Strengths:
Planning (I am the list queen!)
Completely random conversation
Being surprisingly practical for someone who could have been a flower-child.
Hoplessly addicted to Harry Potter fanfiction (What do you mean that's not a strength???)
Good listener.
Incredibly non-judgemental Weaknesses:
Complete conversational butterfly
Following through on my wonderful plans (I am such a procrastinator)
Suffers horribly from migraines
Does not talk about problems - keeps them firmly inside until she has fingured out how to deal with it/solve it, and only *then* will discuss it with her fiancee, and only in passing. Special Skills:
Going on at great length about absolutely nothing
Reading faster then a speeding bullet
Able to leap over large piles of idiocy in a single bound. Weapons:
Fear, suprise, and a fanatical dedication to the institution - oh, wait, wrong script.

Witty conspiricy theorist wielding wild accusations, paranoia and very, very high heel shoes; so not a good combination. *lol* Words of Wisdom:
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
~ Oscar Wilde
Logicians have but ill defined
As rational the human mind.
Logic, they say, belongs to man,
But let them prove it if they can.
~ Oliver Goldsmith
Wit is cultured insolence.
~ Aristotle.

Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.
~ Brendan Gill

This is supposed to look like this, but for some reason, it doesn't seem to work with my live journal layout.  BUt I'd already spent the time procrastinating by doing this, so I decided to put it up anyway.  Ba-humbug.


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