I'm so sorry! I've disappeared for an entire month without a word - I have to plead an extreme lack of time on my part - most days I didn't even have time to breathe, and I'm afraid I didn't send out any personal emails at all during that time. Sorry!
My fiancee's grandfather went into the hospital with a major heart attack at the begining of October, and never really recoved. He passed away two weeks later. I managed to keep on top of my classes, and continue with all the little things I have to do for the wedding (28 days to go - OMG), but beyond those things, I completely didn't have any energy left for anything else. I especially have to appologize to
hogwartsduchess ;I did get your chapter 10 (the second time, anyway), and I can't tell you how horrible I feel for not getting it back to you - I know you've probably got all the beta stuff done by now, but I'm going to go through it anyway, and give you my comments; (I'll send you a more lengthy message later, hon - I owe you some major catching up!)
I have a story I'm supposed to be finishing for the
half_and_half fic exchange that's due in 6 hours - go me! I'm about half-way done, but this last month has been a write of for any kind of creative writing projects, so I only actually started last night. Oops.
The next chapter of Consequentially Yours is about half written, again put on hold by the maddness that was October, though I'm hoping to pick that up as soon as I'm finished my fic exchange story, so it *might* be finished very shortly. If not, I'm going to try and polish up the half I've got written, and I'll post that in the mean time.
I can't beleive how incredibly patient people have been with me - I promise I will get back on track shortly, guys.