Title: Goodbye's Aren't Forever: Chapter 7: Mending A Broken Lie
Author: Nyrok5 A.K.A Kezz
Rating: R, sometimes will change
Warning: MxM, Sexual situations, Foul Language, so on so forth
Pairings: Yunjae (Main), Yunho/Kimbum (Boys Over Flowers), Jaejoong/Hyun Joong (SS501) Yoosu, Changmin/ Heechul, Changmin/ Food, Eunhae, few more
Genre: Romance, Fluff
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Well, about this chapter...Finally we know who's the bastard that is threatening Jae but still i don't understand why he's doing it >.<
And Min and Heechul are so funny hahaha, actually i have never think about this couple but they're really cute and funny together :p
Love Chunnie and Hae in this chapter they're so a supportes of Yunjae <333
Between this part " Tell me there isn't anything there when you look at him, tell me your skin doesn't burn when he touches you, tell me your legs don't threaten to give way when you see him. Tell me when you stare into his eyes your heart doesn't skip a beat, tell me when your lips brush against each other you don't want to ravish him right there, tell me when he hugs you you don't want to tell him you love him more than this screwed up world we live in" is beautiful and so breathtaking T.T
Then THANK u so much 4 this chapter and I hope u'll update soon 'cause I'm really addicted to yr fic hahaha <333
PS: love u're new header an background =D
Hehe, at least you know who he is. His motives will be explained soon.
Lol hehe I'm glad i could amuse you, I don't know how I came up with them together but I really never thought about it until you pointed it out now, maybe because Min is all so manly and strong while Heechul is such a chick (no offense to him cause I love him to death hes so funny) but yeah not really sure why I done that.
Awwww thank you, at least they try and help the situation.
OMG really, you liked that??? THANK YOU <333
Your welcome, you don't have to thank me. I like writing fanfics and I like writing them so people will enjoy them. Haha ur addicted??? Lol nice.
P.S: Hehe thank you, he's just so hot. Still YunJae couple beat him in hottness overload lol
Hahaha, yeah I am really addicted, whenever I came to LJ I check yours first =D
Well, then see u in next chapter <3
PS : Of course no one can beat OUR Yunjae hotness hahaha
they are just too hot for anyone except 4 each other xp (I don't even know if my sentence make sence lol)
Awwwwwwwwww that makes me feel all happy and awwwyful, I will try to make the next few chapters very interesting.
PS: Yes the sentence makes sense and you are absolutely right.
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