Brewer's Log: Brown Ale Progress

Jan 08, 2010 09:24

The bubbling has slowed significantly on the brown ale, so I decided to take a hydrometer reading this morning.

The original gravity was 1.067, and today it's 1.027.

The short version is: A lot of the sugar in the wort is now alcohol. It is beer. According to the handy-dandy calculator I found online, it's currently about 5% alcohol by volume, so it's definitely beery.

And what do you know, it tastes like beer. The hop character is a bit stronger than I'd have expected, but it's not killer. The important thing is that it doesn't taste like banana, meat, vinegar or socks. That means that yeast is doing all the work in there, and not anything weird.

I think I'll rack it off to the secondary this weekend to get it off the Trub and let it clear out some.

progress report, brown ale, brewing

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