It's been a busy few weeks. Isabel's gotten a lot bigger, even since the Halloween party. The doctor says the fourth and fifth month are when preemies catch up to babies their age. It's exciting and a bit of a relief to watch.
Mike's case cleared and the responsible party is going to jail. I'm glad it ended up like it did. It could have been a lot worse. The Halloween party seemed to clear up any awkwardness between friends.
I am worried about my brother and his family. Daisy and Chris stayed with us for a few days around Halloween, when Raymond decided to up and leave with no explanation. Chris was here again the other day...He likes it here, and he really looks up to Mike. He loves playing with the baby too. I don't know how Graciela is handling herself--she says she's doing better, but she's said that before. Chris is my godson; I feel an obligation to him, even more than I do to Daisy and Marcus, though they are just as important to me. We should probably get out to the suburbs to visit them more often. Work keeps me busy, though, and Mike too.