Misc. photos from my "vacation"

Dec 25, 2015 15:10

My three dogs and I are staying with my sister while I recuperate. She also has three dogs. Six dogs and two adults in a small house. So far, no issues. The weather has been great! In the 50's and almost 60's last week. No snow either! Some rain, but will be sunny the next week. Starting to get a little bored, but I have physical therapy next few weeks and lots of reading and surfing to do. I hope you all are enjoying your holidays!

Here are some random pics. The first is from my hospital window, in the middle of the Adirondack mountains.

Xena, Scout, Tucker, Kodiak

Tucker and Kodiak

Meggie and Xena

Petsmart exploded and landed in our living room

My Christmas cane

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