I've absolutely lost track of time. I swear I have no idea when or how the last, say two or three weeks passed *headdesk*. It's a black hole, I'm starting to suspect :/.
Anyway, first off- a meme-type thingy I should have done, oh, just a month ago.
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
What the fuck would Mildmay do? Seriously, I've asked myself that, from time to time *smirk*. Not because what he does is always right, but it's always the best he can do. Mildmay The Fox is a character from The Doctrine Of Labyrinths by Sarah Monette. The pic is from The Virtu's cover and the character is one of my all time favourites. I can't wait to learn what's going to happen to him and his half-brother Felix in the last book. (by
Surprise, surprise, that's Callum Keith Renie. I'm not sure what character that is, actually, but it looks like Leoben from BSG? Or not. Like there's anyone played by CKR I wouldn't use as an icon :P Anyway, it has a nice, slightly moody, blue :P feeling about it. (and it's by
Everyone's favourite Geoffrey Tennant, from Slings And Arrows, played by Paul Gross :). Mad as a hatter, genius, hilarious grumpy and hot. (and again by
*g* That's one of my favourite icons, from the ones I've made, and one of those that fit me the best :P. Hi, I'm Nyn and I'm an insomniac that loves to sleep, but can't get herself to go to bed before 4 am. That is, of course, Ray Kowalski from Due South. And he didn't look quite so tired in the original cap.
I used to have an icon that said "Mal Reynolds is my hero". I lost it, along with my whole pics folder(the pain!), but it's still true. Firefly was on of the most unjustly and prematurely cancelled shows, but short or not, remains one of the best. That's on of my "pissed" icons :)) (by
I've (slightly panicky) started working on my dss assigment. I'll do it in time though. And then I'll finally change the layout that was going to stay just for a few days. I'm also (slightly more panicky, because it's not quite working) trying to really study. So now I'm going, but I'll be making a cooking post later (Yup. I crave new recipies.)