Sep 07, 2006 13:41
Ok so it has been forever since I have been on here to update and I have an hour or so before I have to leave for class so I figure now is as good a time as any.
Well I have finally unpacked most of my things here in my new place out in the wild outskirts of Vancouver (where there's lions and tigers and bears oh my!) Everything out here is going pretty good, it was a little overwhelming at first but the more I started to recognize people and place the more it started to feel less like a giant who was going to eat me. As for the theatre people out here they seem people sweet so far, I had a dessert and charade get together with some of them and that was pretty awesome because I totally owned at charades whoot whoot.
Other then that I am just enjoying having my own place and my own car and just being able to start settling in. I think that I am going to like it here, my parents seem to think that I will never be back (mwahaha) but I don't think I could be severed from cowtown forever.
but Ya I was going through all my stuff and actually trying to organize it (scary I know) and I discovered that I have alot of stuff like an insane amount of stuff, but the weirder part is that I think it is stuff that will be useful too much craziness is what that is. but Oh well enough of my boring ramblings for one day. If anything of super amounts of interest happens I will probably post it. If not then congrats to all of you who read this all the way through.