Feb 22, 2009 15:18
I have to say that despite not talking about Fabulous Fandom February, I am having quite the wild time participating in it. (That is, participating in something that I made up. Because I rock.) I am happy to say that I have done something fabulously fannish every day this month so far. And I intend to see it through.
I have totally been re-watching the second season of Supernatural, and I wrote some fic. It might even see the light of day, if I finish it and get it beta'ed. And I've listened to a bunch of podfic. I kind of adore podfic.
Somewhat unfortunately, I am going to be living somewhere without internet for the next couple of weeks. So I will not be able to participate in the glorious online portion of fandom, which is so dear to my heart. But this month has rocked so much that I don't see any way to avoid doing a Marvelous Meta March, and by that time I will have internet once again.
Still intending to:
• Finally get through season 4 of The Wire
• Watch that DVD of The Professionals that I picked up in England
ETA: Spoilers for The Wire's fourth season finale, "Final Grades," in comments.