Rambo. Ka-BLEWEY.

Nov 15, 2005 21:08

This week's film screening was Rambo: First Blood, Part 2. Definitely one for the so bad it's good category. Also helping matters is that during the first week of class our professor told us specifically that there are a lot of elements of gay erotica in this. The anticipation was killing me.

VN means Vietnam, Vietnamese, etc. Everything else should make sense except that I seriously cannot spell plucostamus and no dictionary, apparently, can help me.

Starts with explosion. Men work rocks w/sledgehammers, incl. Rambo.
Policemen watch over. A Green Beret talks to Rambo thru fence.
Mission: recon for POWs in VN.
Twangy Asian Music.
Chopper camera shot.
Screenplay by Sylvester Stallone & James Cameron; this ship will sink like something rocky.
John Rambo’s file has lots of military medals.
Under no circumstances should Rambo engage the enemy.
Rambo: “The mind is the best weapon.”
Rippling muscles polish a blade.
Rambo’s parachute gets stuck; he uses his sharpened knife.
Rambo has 36 hours.
Rambo runs through jungle, catches snake + squeezes it to death.
Rambo has something in his hair that makes him look “Native American”.
Buddha statue. Rambo attacks VN woman who recognizes him.
She’s expecting him.
She arranged a boat to take them downriver; Rambo senses a trap.
Babe wants to “live the quiet life” in USA.
Babe has a good luck necklace; Rambo’s good luck charm is his machete.
Camp appears empty. But… it’s not!
Rambo wades through stream. Rambo cuts a guy down from a post.
Rambo throws a knife to kill a guy.
Rambo’s buddy coughs; Rambo uses bow + arrow to kill a dude.
VN guy doesn’t even bleed when arrow put thru his head (racist)
It’s 1985.
They get back on the boat. The crew is turncoats!
Rambo cunningly stabs one, then steals his shotgun.
Rambo uses shoulder-fired missile launcher to explode other boat.
Rambo leaps from own boat just in time.
Rambo + buddy split fr. lady.
Rambo leads buddy by hand in rice paddy.
Rambo encounters mud.
Murdock orders chopper to abort Rambo rescue mission; Green Beret thinks no but chopper crew is turncoats!
VNese approach Rambo. He breathes heavily.
“It was a lie, wasn’t it? Just like the goddamn war. It was a lie.”
Shouting match re: politics b/w Murdock and Green Beret.
Rambo has been placed in a shithole literally. His expression is rather Marsian.
The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!
VNese guy hits Rambo, who is covered in leeches.
The Russian speaks excellent English. How strange.
Rambo retches.
Russians interrogate Rambo.
Babe comes in, dressed up.
Rambo receives electric shocks, but he is tough (and gasping!) in face of pain.
Another shock and he screams.
In comes buddy, tied up.
Red-hot knifepoint scar on face is bad special effect.
Rambo radios in. Rambo wraps fingers around microphone stand.
Lightening flashes in act of pathetic phallus.
Rambo opens a can of whoopass along w/Babe.
Rambo has said he’s going to get Murdock, presumably cos he’s a bastard.
Rambo holds barbed wire up w/his bare hands.
Babe tends to his wounds. They kiss! He’ll take her to America.
AMBUSH! She is killed.
Rambo holds her in his arms. Rambo, uh, cries.
Rambo puts on headband made fr. Babe’s dress + puts on her pendant.
Rambo encounters mud (again).
Rambo picks off Russians one by one.
Rambo emerges from mud. Rambo leaps around.
Rambo encounters brick wall. Rambo goes right.
A red chicken gobbles. Is this a ref to the Russian scaredy-cats?
Leader of VNese is Hispanic.
Rambo uses a bow and arrow to make huge explosions. How he does this we do not know.
Rambo has no armpit hair.
Rambo has all the time in the world to bow & arrow VN soldier.
A chopper drops a bomb + explodes a wat erfall. Strange that one.
Rambo jumps into chopper-what a shocker!
Manly fight.
Rambo is a bottom, but we knew that.
Rambo ripples.
Rambo pilots chopper cos the mind is a dangerous weapon.
Rambo channels “Miss Saigon.”
Rambo flies through VN village @ height of 25 ft.
Rambo yells mannishly.
Rambo grips gearshift.
Rambo is cheered on by US POWs in bamboo cage.
A Russian awakens + reaches for a gun. He shoots Rambo’s buddy.
Rambo pilots escape chopper.
Rambo got it on w/the enemy when he wasn’t supposed to.
Chopper chase-plucostamus chopper tailing.
Rambo makes emergency over-water landing.
Rambo’s technique wins him a 3.5 from the French judge.
Does Rambo even own a shirt?
Rambo speaks a lot like Mike Tyson. Is that intentional?
Rambo has slap-on bracelet made fr. machine gun ammo.
Rambo takes a machine gun to the US electrics. Rambo vibrates.
Rambo gets Murdock up against the desk.
Rambo’s buddy waves bye-bye.
Rambo “wants for our country to love us as much as we love it.”
--end credits: country-'80s theme music--

Bonus point if you can identify the exact line when I decided not to continue taking serious academic notes.

writing, fandom, whine&cheese, fashion, school, mars

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