In further news about the new Metallica record, I did the pre-order of the record through the band. I'm travelling the day it comes out and I don't want to go racing to a record store--much rather be racing down to Dark Odyssey.
As a result I have now heard three, count 'em three songs from the new album!
"Cyanide" keeps lurching around--it's heavy, it grooves, it has a great bass solo from Rob Trujillo. Scroll down a bit and you can hear it--there's a youtube clip.
"The Day That Never Comes" is the single, it's a slow build like Fade or Sanitarium. End section (last three minutes) is awesome.
Here's a youtube clip from the Leeds Festival:
Click to view
And then there's "My Apocalypse." Heavy high-speed gallop thrash. Good drum sound. Hetfield and Hammet interlocking and finding their nuts again. Me singing along with the first chorus. Duuuude.
As my friend OL said this morning, "This fails to suck, rather dramatically."
Be afraid, friends. The Metallibeast is Metalliback and they're going to kick our Metallibutts.
MetALLicA for now