wow i havent updated since October!!!

Jan 11, 2006 20:14

Well, I suck as updating this journal. My last semester at UD was great!! it reinforced how much I love my UD friends and showed me how much they love me too. Between surprise goodbye parties and late night cry-fest or denny's runs made it an unbelievable last few months. I couldnt ask for better friends. I miss everyone already and I've only been away for less then a month. :-/

I head to Albuquerque on Friday. Less then 48 hours and I'll be getting my new 2006 Toyota Corolla CE, My new Valley Grande apt and checking out Isotope stadium. it's unbelievable that I'm heading out west like this. Home is good right now, the family is still having trouble with Jhon, but let's hope his PO whips him into shape. I think it's starting to hit me that I'm leaving, b/c i'm getting chills down my spine and a weird feeling in my stomach (same as the one i had when i headed to UD) so i'm not too worried about it b/c i know i'll love the Isotopes as much as i love UD, but it's still nerve racking.

I miss my sisters, the brothers, my pride family and definitely my James :( (but i get to sleep with BIN every night ;)) But some people promised to visit me in NM so they better ;) GO FLYERS!!! :-D

PJ got accepted to the NYPD academy and started on Monday!! YAY :-D thats what he's been working for since last year. He went back to school to get an associates so he could apply...those of you who dont know who PJ is, let's just say me and my friends would have to drag him to class in HS so he could just graduate. And to go back to school and get accepted to the academy..i'm SOOOOO proud of him!! :)

Looking back at the last year, i think i was in denial that i would actually lose my childhood best friend, but it finally happened. So instead of just ignoring me, Pammy finally admitted she didnt want to be friends and i should leaver her alone. Apparently i'm not a good friend and never believed in her and embarrassed her enough for a lifetime. OK, I thought we had a good enough friendship to tell the other that they pissed the us off, but i guess not. I'm sad b/c she was my best friend since i was in 3rd grade, but i'm glad it happened this way because i had the opportunity to really get to know and give my heart to people that care about me as much as i do them. I thank God that he brought my friends into my life, i know i wouldnt be who i am without them. (you know who you are ;))

K..time to do some last minute packing and work here at home. I'll update next week about my new apt, job, car, city and bosses.

Peace & love

Contact info--
Paola Montoya
8401 Spain Rd NE
Apt 11D
Albuquerque, NM 87111
Cell: 937-361-3154
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