State of the Nye

Jan 18, 2016 13:33

State of the Nye

Greetings, readers.

Work - very little - focusing on surviving/thriving rather than paid work.

Love - *grin* still with pilotmoondog. So happy with him. Currently mostly monogamous one-way (i.e. he has other partners and I just have him). I don't know when I'll be into the idea of having another partner or dating; I don't want that at the moment.

Mental health - Somewhat stable. Mildly down, frequently moderately anxious. (That is to say I am often very anxious, but not usually to the extent that I am panicking.) Tracking the state of my low mood - got to watch that I don't fall into a major depression. I am 70% sure that my current medication works to prevent depression in me, but there has not been quite enough time to be fully sure about that. I have a long cycle between depressions - usually about 18 months. (Shortest post-breakdown gap - 8 months. Longest - maybe 3 years.) I've been on my current meds for about 18 months.

Physical health - Mildly bad. Chronically bruised (or possibly hairline fractured) heel bone that I treat with modifying my walking, ice twice a day, anti-inflammatories. Brisk walking is ok, slow/stop-start walking is bad bad bad. Running is totally out, which is a major drag. Back is WAY better than it was a few months/a year ago. I have been doing abdominal strength exercises (as well as other strength training), and that has worked really well for me. Way heavier than I'd like to be; my mental health is interfering with my eating and exercise regime. This affects my bad heel.

Education - not doing anything at the moment.

Social life - not very social. I've stopped going to some group events that I was a regular at. Being a participant and not an organiser is hard for me. There's been some family issues that have got in the way. I do mostly Ingress-related social things.

Ingress - whole category of it's own! Ingress is a game you play on a mobile phone or tablet. You have to be 40m or closer to an imaginary thing that is tied to a real object/place (eg. a pub/piece of public art/landmark) to play, so it encourages getting out. I'm the top level you can get to (L16). Enlightened team. It helps me to get out and about, but my playing style/compulsive nature hinders healing of my heel. (Lots and lots of slow walking/stop-start.)
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