I was too frightened to apply to the Open University to do a (mostly) distance-learning course myself, and asking for help was difficult. I finally got round to asking for help and before help was scheduled to happen I got the courage to talk to the OU on my own. The course that I want to do or any similar courses are just starting now or this time next year. There aren't any relevant ones starting in January. Bah.
Well, now I know the timescale:
Feb 2009: get prospectus, get paperwork together.
March 2009: apply for course and apply to get funding.
October 2009: start course.
I have told
Mychores when to nudge me. I will use Livejournal to get your help nearer the time should I need it.
I am going to have to find something to work on in the meantime. Possibly find some voluntary work/interning that I could do on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays*, something that would give me some decent experience. I really have to talk to E seriously I think!
I'm going to have a bath now. Please feel free to say things like 'that sounds really frustrating' or give me general expressions of sympathy/hugs. It really does suck to have anxiety that stops me getting on with my life.
* Or flexible working.